The locusts, which came out of the bottomless pit in the first woe (1914-1918) were to harm for five months all who did not have God's seal on their foreheads (Rev. 9:2,9,10). The locusts were the communists with their materialistic propaganda – atheism. The five months mentioned in the description are the period from October 1917 to February 1918 (according to the old style calendar) during which Soviet power was constituted in all the main centers of the country.
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Before God's Kingdom comes, the plough of trials must plow the role of the world. It is the necessary preparation of human hearts to receive the long-foretold Kingdom of God on earth. The vision of Revelation presents these experiences as three woes that plague the inhabitants of the earth. The first woe is the First World War. During its duration, the October Revolution broke out, as a result of which the first socialist state in the history of mankind was born. Until the second woe began, the revolutionary ideas of this state were locked within the borders of the Soviet Union.
This closure is shown in the vision of the Book of Revelation in the form of four angels being bound at the great river Euphrates. The four angels represent the four fundamental theses of revolutionary ideology: (1) Revolution, (2) Dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) Socialism, (4) Communism.
When the time was right, a voice from the four horns of the golden altar commanded the four angels to be loosed. It is God's voice in response to the prayers of the saints for God's Kingdom. The symbolic vision of the book of Revelation shows an Angel, who was given much incense and he offered this incense with these prayers of the saints on the golden altar.
The outbreak of the Second World War "loosed" the revolutionary ideology that spread throughout the world, taking under its control a third of humanity. Its destructive influence destroys the old social order, diverts the support of the nations (the waters of the Euphrates) from Babylon, thus paving the way for the kings from sunrise. These kings are members of the Little Flock, to whom God has promised to give the kingdom (Lk 12:32). Their captain is Jesus Christ – antitypical Cyrus, the conqueror of Babylon.
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As a result of great events, already from the beginning of the Second World War, the ideology of Marxism-Leninism was liberated from the borders of the USSR to spread widely its influences extremely destructive to the existing order of things.
God's Word names the party propagating this ideological trend the King Abaddon, or the Destroyer, and his followers it describes as locusts.
The expansion of the revolutionary forces during the Second World War, and as a result of which they gained a permanent position in the world, took place at the command coming out of the Sanctuarium of God: "loose the four angels" (Rev 9:14).
The Soviet troops fought with the troops of the Berlin-Rome axis until their complete surrender of them, and then the territories occupied by the USSR during the war were subordinated to the new reality.
In the occupied territories was established the new order in accord with the four principles of the communist movement, which the book of Revelation presents as the four angels.
The destructive ideology of the four angels, according to the prophecy of Revelation (9:15,18), subdued to itself a third of the people in World War II, but it has been prepared for an hour, a day, and a month and year of the Armageddon battle. This will follow the taking up the Church into the glory in 1981.
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Two hundred times a thousand thousand .. 200 million; it is the rounded number
of the USSR's population during World War II.
Killing a third of the people .......................... Refers to ideological victory.
Power in mouths and tails ............................ Versatile propaganda
The exact time mentioned in the book of Revelation (9:15) ), for which the four angels were prepared, refers to the end of the Church's earthly pilgrimage. From that time on, the vengeance will begin, which the Lord will carry out with the instruments prepared for it.
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Seven days before the flood, with the Ark ready and full of food, Noah received further instructions from God. God instructed him to bring living creatures into the Ark, and then he and his family to take refuge in it from the Flood waters. The seven days before the Flood, according to method "each day for a year" points to the seven years before taking of the Church from earth into glory. The book "Biblical Chronology" published in April 1974," that is seven years before April 1981, is the sign of the time shown in the tenth chapter of the book of Revelation. The " or "book" mentioned in it refers to this publication. It was at the end of the second Woe, which is to continue until "two witnesses ascend up to heaven" (Rev 9:13-15; 11:14).
"A little book" contains a small range of revealed Divine mysteries concerning the final years of the Gospel Age. The words for the book's title, "Biblical Chronology", are derived from the Greek words He Chronologia and To Biblion (neuter) or He Biblos (feminine). The words Biblion or Biblos mean a papyrus scroll – a book. In Greek, the words Biblical Chronology can be expressed with or without pronouns.
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The truths revealed to the members of the John’s class in the "little book" are to enable them to held the final testimony, shown by the prophesying of "two witnesses", as well as prepare them to the experiences that will end their earthly pilgrimage.
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The complete understanding of God's judgments over the old world is shown in the "little book open" and the "seven full bowls". The first symbol shows the way the John’s class assimilates this range of truths, the second, shown as "pouring out of bowls," represents the same range of truths but which the Church testifying outside. The consumption of the little booklet took place before the bowls were poured out outside.
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"Biblical Comments" on Dan. 12:10:
The wicked .................... The wicked and mocking the truth
None of the wicked ....... Unbelievers to his covenant
He will not understand . God's plans and ways
But prudent ....................Of your people, wise by faith
The wise will understand Habakkuk's deferred part of vision (2:3), pertaining to the times or seasons purposed of God and the fulfillment of the final outlines of His Plan.
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The Greek text of Rev 10: 2 and Rev 10: 8 gives two names for the scroll that the Angel held in his hand: "open book" and "open book". Both expressions are used in the table below.
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According to the teaching of the Scriptures, the Church living on this side of the second veil participates in punishing the world with plagues. Her does so by announcing them. In the Old Testament era, the prophets had a similar role.
The prophet Jeremiah was commanded "to uproot out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down." He carried out this command in the form of announcing of the coming events of which he was made known by God (Jer 1:10).
These events often came to pass a long time after their announcement. The prophet Isaiah "poured out" God's vengeance on Babylon about 180 years before it was carried out by Cyrus (Is 14; 44:28-45:13).
Today, a special time of announcing God's vengeance has come after the end of the High Calling and before the last members of the Church were taken from the earth. The old world will pass away in the harvest of the Gospel Age, under the wrath of God that will repay all sins previously committed. The Jewish Age ended in a similar reckoning (Matt. 23:35).
Justice, the most active attribute of God's character in this time, is presented in the vision of Revelation as the one of four alive creatures, which gives seven angels the seven golden bowls full of God's wrath (Rev 15:7).
The angels who came out of the Temple to pour out plagues on various parts of the old order of things represent the Little Flock at the end of the High Calling (Rev 15:5-6). To the extent permitted under hostile conditions, the Church proclaims a given to her of God understanding of the prophetic events pertaining to the end of the Gospel Age.
The seven bowls represent the complete set of teachings available to God's people. These teachings build the Church, but for people in apostate systems, by their significance they bring suffering and anger, culminating in Armageddon. Soon, however, people's grief will turn to joy when they understand that the foretold destruction has paved the way to the establishment of Christ's Kingdom on earth.
One of the seven angels who poured out the bowls explained to John the mystery of the great harlot, the other, and perhaps the same, the mystery of the Lamb's Wife (Rev 17:1; 21:9). This proves that angels pouring out bowls cannot represent the inanimate factors of God's wrath like a whirlwind, earthquake, etc., calamities.
The truths explained at the dawn of our Lord's Parousia were published in six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures. The writing of the seventh volume has been postponed until further light is received from the Lord. The work entitled "The Finished Mystery," published in 1917, contains valuable materials. Supplementing them with the understanding resulting from the last time orientation contained in the book the "Bible Chronology" gives a picture of the events of the end of the Gospel Age (Rev 10:8).
Thus we have the complete "seven bowls" teachings that the Church used at the end of the High Calling. The understanding received is still being replenished, for "the path of the righteous is as the dawning light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day." (Prov 4:18).
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The ninth plague that struck Egypt was the plague of dense darkness. Darkness represents the world's complete ignorance of what is about to happen.
The world is committed to propagate policy of peace and security to maintain the existing world order. The kings of the earth, with their invisible leader Satan, do not want to yield to the new King, Christ, but oppose Him just as Pharaoh opposed Moses.
Parallel to this is the vision of the Book of Revelation showing the effects of the pouring out of the sixth bowl (Rev 16:15-16). The three frog-like devil spirits mentioned there represent world propaganda for peace and security. This propaganda is intensifying amid the growing discontent of the masses and the widespread fall of the authority of secular and religious authorities. This tense state of things will inevitably lead to a tipping point, the battle of Armageddon. The poured out seventh bowl is the Great Tribulation that will finally end the old world. The Egyptian darkness, which preceded the destruction of the firstborn of Egypt, is therefore a picture of "dark" propaganda for the existing world, immediately preceding the Armageddon battle.
The picture shows that Israel was not affected the plague of darkness. Similarly, the people of God, being enlightened by the truth, have full orientation in the changes taking place in the world. The three days of the plague seem to represent, according to God's "each day for a year" method, three full years of a three-and-a-half year period, Fall 1977 to Spring 1981. Parallel pictures to the plague of darkness are also the feast of peace in the plain of Dura, the great banquet of Belshazzar, and the birthday of Herod (Mt 14:6; Dan 5:1; 3:1).
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Revelation 17:10,11
The vision of the seven kings and of the eighth in the book of Revelation applies to the conditions that are now shaped in Poland. This is confirmed by the compilations of biblical numerology quoted below.
Poland, along with other nations of Europe, was honored with the truth in due season, brought to the European continent from the United States of America. There, in the country of religious freedom, far from the despotic and religious influences of the papacy, for several dozen years (1874-1916) there were favorable conditions for its free development.
In Poland, the truth has been accepted the most enthusiastic, as shown in chapter 18 of Isaiah's prophecy. In this country, in 1967, there was a cry of prophecies that heralded the epiphany of Christ. Also in Poland, the prophecies concerning the end of the Church's earthly pilgrimage are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. This does not mean, however, that members of the Church are no longer in other countries.
While the Congresses of the RSDRP are shown in trumpets (Rev 8:7-12), the Congresses of the PUWP, the party ruling in Poland, the most Catholic state in the entire socialist camp, are shown in kings.
The congresses of the Polish United Workers' Party determine the directions of state policy, which, after the end of each congress, are binding for the next five years. The first Congress of the PUWP was held in 1948, a year special due to the proclamation of the state of Israel and the establishment of the World Council of Churches.
The eighth congress was held in February 1980, setting the program for the next five years. The Bible chronology points to the period from 1981 to 1984 as the time of the Great Tribulation. It follows that the eighth congress was the last; with the papacy and their common policy they go into perdition (Rev 17:11).
Poland is in the camp of the great Abaddon – destroyer of the old order of things (Rev 9:11). In Poland practically a political love affair started of socialistic leaders and the Roman Catholic Church, the relationship especially indecent from God's point of view. This relationship is illustrated in Samson's love affair with Delilah and Herod's relationship with Herodias. The whole world witnessed this rapprochement, which in 1977 and in the years to follow was marked by event that amazed the inhabitants of the earth (Rev 17:8).
The angel explaining the mystery of the seven kings to John is one of the seven angels with bowls (Rev 17:1,2). It follows from the tenth verse of this chapter that the angel began his explanation during the reign of the sixth king (that is the Congress), i.e. between 1971 and 1975. During this period, in 1974, was published the book entitled "Biblical Chronology" (seventh volume). The year 1974 became thus strictly placed in time an observation point.
Before 1974, there were five congresses (five kings). They "fell", in the sense that their anti-clerical and anti-Vatican tendency was abandoned in favor of a new, favorable climate in state-church relations with the "Holy See" (Antichrist). Such action contradicts the assumptions of the fathers of communist ideology, Marx, Lenin and others; the name of Herod-Antipas means: against the father.
"The active policy of our state towards the Catholic Church, including the Holy See, dates mainly from the period after December 1970. At that time, the position of the party and state authorities on religious problems was publicly expressed, more open than ever (...). In the process of Polish-Vatican dialogue, a number of important events can be distinguished. The first talks between the representatives of the Polish People's Republic government and the Vatican since the end of World War II took place in April 1971. In October 1971, representatives of the Polish government took part in the ceremony of beatification of M. Kolbe. After the ceremony, there was a short courtesy conversation with the Pope. In November of that year, a second round of talks took place, this time in Warsaw. At that time, the Vatican was represented by Archbishop Casaroli. At the end of June 1972, Paul VI decided to finally regulate the status of the dioceses in the western and northern territories. Thus, on the part of the Vatican, the matter which, for a quarter of a century, had a negative impact on the climate of relations between Poland and the Vatican, was dealt with in a positive manner, consistent with the interests of the Polish raison d'état. In November 1973, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stefan Olszowski, paid a visit to the Pope. It was the first official meeting of a representative of our country with the head of the entire church (...) In July of the following year, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Józef Czyrek visited the Vatican, and agreed to establish permanent working contacts between the government of the People's Republic of Poland and the Holy See.
Against the background of the evolution of bilateral relations, the visit of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party in the Vatican [autumn 1977 – note] ends an extremely important stage in their development.
Citations from the book "Socialism and Catholicism" Wiesław Mysłek KAW, Warsaw 1978 pp. 22,24,25
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The statement "one is" refers to the VI Congress, which was held under the slogan: For the dynamic development of the national economy.
"The other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a little while." The next, VII Congress, upheld the ambitious plans of the current policy, However, the deterioration of agricultural production and the negative impact of the recession in the developed capitalist countries resulted in a sudden collapse of these plans. A whole series of economic failures weakened the Polish United Workers' Party politically, which became a favorable circumstance for the papal beast to ultimate "ascend out from the bottomless pit," i.e. to return to secular-religious rule. The consecutive congresses of PUWP Have been only the background for the main actor political scene – the beast. Socialism helped to it get out finally from the "bottomless pit."
The whole world is watching the activities of Pope John Paul II, a Pole who raises the authority of the papacy in the world like rarely any of his predecessors. The Scripture foretold that the Roman Catholic Church (Antichrist) will be exalted just before her final destruction (Rev 18:21).
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Added by: Andrzej