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Expressions in the above compilations: "The apostate Roman Catholic church," "The papacy" and "The Great Rome Empire" are derived from the volumes of Studies in the Scripture in Greek.
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"The same terrible premonition on the part of the secular authorities of all civilized nations is the basis on which to base the recent conciliatory attitude of all secular authorities of Europe towards the Pope It is now starting to look quite conducive to his long-held hope of regaining much of his lost earthly power. ”This kind of attitude of nations was most significantly illustrated in the costly gifts offered to the Pope on his papal jubilee a few years ago by the heads of all Christian governments. their own ineptitude to deal with the mighty force of the awakening world, the secular authorities in sheer desperation recall the former power of the papacy, the tyrant who once held all Christianity in their grip. thus they will manage to keep n in check dissatisfied nations". [written in 1897] D-131
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"Biblical Comments" on Dan 7:8:
There come up ........ In 539 A.D.
Another little horn ... The Abomination of desolation; the Papacy; that Wicked One;
the Man of Sin; the Mystery of Iniquity; the Antichrist;
the Son of Perdition; the Beast
Before whom ........... In 476, 489 and 539 A.D. respectively,
There were three ......The Western Empire, the Heruli and Ostrogoths
Of the first horns ..... Powers
Plucked up ............... The Western Empire by the Heruls, the Heruls by the Ostrogoths,
and the Ostrogoths by Justinian on behalf of the Papacy,
which actually held the city and suburbs of Rome continuously
since 539 A.D.
Were eyes ................. Representing intelligence and a far-sighted politics
And the mouth ......... Representing Papal utterances and claims;
The power of the Papacy has been that of its mouth,
guided by its knowledge.
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking
great things." (Rev 13: 5)
"And he opened his mouth to blasphemy." (Rev 13:6)
"And he will speak great words against the Most High." (Dan 7:8,25)
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"Biblical Comments" on Lk 13:19:
Birds .. "Babylon the great is become (...) a hold of every unclean and hateful bird.."
Almost all criminals are members of some branch of the nominal church.
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"Biblical Comments" on Lk 13:20,21:
The kingdom of God ........ The nominal Kingdom of God, the nominal church.
It is like leaven .................. Corruption, error
Which a woman ................ "That woman Jezebel", the Roman Catholic system
Three measures of meal .. Faith, hope and love
Whole was leavened ........ Corrupted
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The kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, and the people with King Jehoiakin were taken captive. Nebuchadnezzar ordered that young men be selected from among the slaves who, after three years of training, would be able to enter the royal service. Four young men, standing out from the rest, attracted the attention of Ashpenaz, who was in charge of the royal bailiffs. Ashpenaz changed their names and took them under special protection. After a period of preparation, they were introduced to the king and received exceptional honors.
Due to the event of setting up of the 60-cubit gold image in the plain of Dura, three of these four youths came out as heroes of the faith. They are a type of the overcomers in the final test of the Gospel Age. Their attitude will show that they serve only one God and do not bow to any human ideas.
The renaming of the three Jewish heroes was not accidental, but was supervised by the Holy Spirit. Thus their names, Hebrew and the new ones given to them by Ashpenaz, make it possible by means of biblical numerology to identify the class they represent. This identification confirms the previously understood illustration. (see: pp. 385-397)
Ashpenaz thus represents the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. The word Ashpenaz means "quiver of arrows," which explains that the Holy Spirit empowers and gives God's people ("the three youths") arguments against the enemies of the Lord and the truth (Dan 3:14-18; Mt 10:19).
Here are the expressions from which the words used in the compilation come:
Dan 1:3 "Unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs" – Hebrew: Ashpenaz rab Sariv. Rab – supervisor, elder, teacher.
Dan 1:7,9,10 "The prince of the eunuchs" – Hebrew: sar hasarijsim – overlord (governor) over the servants.
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Revelation 12:17
Since the flood of propaganda, which the "serpent" poured out at the end of the High Calling did not "carried away" the woman, there remained to him only possibility to hate and to fight with the rest of her seed. This struggle was foretold in Paradise and will end in the destruction of the earthly life of the "seed of the woman" – the Body of Christ ("and thou shalt bruise his heel").
Though the earthly bodies are to be destroyed, the spirit of the New Creatures nevertheless triumphed over the enemy at the end of the High Calling (Rev 12:9-12).
Only God knows who among of them belongs to the overcomers. The dragon's last attack on the rest of the woman's seed is the subject of the following compilations.
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"I saw underneath the altar the souls of them that had been slain for the word of God,
and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a great voice, saying,
How long, O Master, the holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge
our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"
Revelation 6:9,10
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"Biblical Comments" on Gen 3:15:
Bruise thy head ... Bring vital injury; crush out all evil in due time;
An indication of the ultimate recovery of mankind
from the power of Satan;
Bruise his heel ..... Not injury him vitally
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The eleventh chapter of Revelation records the activity of two witnesses who are prophesying dressed in sackcloth for 1,260 days. According to the chronological orientation so far, this prophecy was to last from the end of the High Calling (fall 1977) until the taking up the Church into the glory in the spring of 1981. In connection with the changing the Church, there will be a Third Woe.
The earthquake mentioned in verse 13 is the event preceding the taking the Church up to heaven and marks the end of the Second Woe. The tenth part of the city that collapsed as a result of the earthquake represents Poland, which is one of ten members of the socialist community associated in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON).
COMECON has existed since January 1948. Currently, 11 countries are registered with this council.
Here they are:
Albania has not participated in the work of COMECON since 1961 (see the brochure "COMECON 1980" – GUS, Warsaw 1980, page XIV). The tables in this brochure show that only 10 countries actually participate in the activities of COMECON.
The events in Poland in 1980 echoed loudly throughout the world and are a sign of the times for the Church, telling about imminent taking her up into heaven and the beginning of the Third Woe.
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The tenth plague of the killing of the firstborn broke the resistance of the Pharaoh. The antitype of this plague is the destruction of the systems supporting the kingdom of "the prince of this world", Satan, in the battle of Armageddon. Midnight in Egypt points to the spring of 1981 as the middle of the seven-year "night" ending the Gospel Age.
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"Let us not be understood as advocating anarchy or revolution of any kind. On the contrary, we are giving heed to the Master's injunction that all His true followers seek peace and pursue it; that they like Himself resist not evil with evil, force with force, but commit their way unto the Lord, walk in His paths, relying upon Him for the results that will be to their profit and His glory. We hold and teach that even the meanest and poorest government is superior to anarchy; and in full sympathy and kindness we counsel those tending toward Socialism that they are unsuspectingly "hatching cockatrice eggs"; for under present conditions Socialism is absolutely impossible. The rich will not give up their advantages without a struggle to the death; and this, as soon as Socialism shall have gained the power it is seeking, will spell anarchy for the world; for those now entertaining Socialistic hopes will find those hopes vain, and will become angered, embittered, mad, with the deceptions of their theories and the impossibility of carrying them out, as they intended, along the lines of benevolence. Then they will be drawn to the desperate methods of the anarchist." SM-321 (published 1917)

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Dan. 5:25-28
Just before the fall of ancient Babylon, King Belshazzar made a great feast in which the vessels of the Temple of Jerusalem were profaned. During its duration, a mysterious hand wrote an inscription on the wall of the palace, which turned out to be God's judgment on Babylon. The sentence was "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" (Chaldean: Mina, mina, shekel and a half mine). These words were used to denote money and measures of weight.
The inscription contained thought of counting, so Daniel explained to the terrified king: "God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end." The shekel is 50 times lighter than a mine, so Daniel continued explanation: "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting." Half of a mine means its destruction or division, so God's prophet finished his explanation with the words: "Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians."
The great feast of Belshazzar and the fall of ancient Babylon illustrate the circumstances of the destruction of Mystical Babylon in the Great Tribulation. Moreover, in the words of the judgment against Babylon, God hid the 2,520-year period elapsing from the fall of Chaldean Babylon till the fall of today’s Babylon.
a mina .............. 1000 gera
a mina .............. 1000 gera
a shekel ................ 20 gera
a half-mina .......... 500 gera
Total .... 2520 gera – hence 2520 years
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"We read similarly that the Kingdom reign will begin before 'Babylon' falls; and that Babylon will fall as a result of Kingdom judgments – discerned later by some in her who are represented as getting light and liberty through Christ after her fall." D-623

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"The present trial, involving the discussion of rights and wrongs, of doctrines, authorities, etc., is to manifest to all men the real character of Babylon, so that, though men have long been deceived by her vain pretensions, they may eventually, through this process of judgment, fully realize the justice of God in her final overthrow." D-76
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The discussion so far shows that the masses who won the first-ever victory in the Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917 are the "weapons of God indignation" in overthrowing the old order of things (Babylon). The years between this victory and the beginning of Armageddon and its end are shown in the numerical values of the Hebrew name of the king of the locusts – Abaddon, with and without Dagesh Forte (See: "Chronology of the Bible" 1974 p. 194).
1917 + 63 = 1980 1917 + 67 = 1984
The revolutionary masses are the great army of the Lord (Cyrus) shown in locusts (Joel 2:1-11).
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Here are the exact dates for the beginning and end of the Armageddon battle, being counted from the victorious October Revolution:
1980.25 – 1916.75 = 63.5 practically 63 or 64
1983.75 – 1916.75 = 67
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Added by: Andrzej