"Now from the fig tree learn her parable:
when her branch is now become tender, and putteth forth its leaves,
ye know that the summer is nigh."
Matthew 24:32
In the ancient world, the Israelites were the only people to worship the true God. God's providence chose the land in which this nation lived as the starting point for the joyful narrative of the Messianic salvation. Palestine is the geographical center to the continents of the inhabited world. It has direct borders with Asia, Africa and Europe. This unique location made this land the center of interest and the object of desire of the surrounding nations. A conviction has been established that "whoever rules over Palestine rules the world". This saying has remained relevant to this day.
From the very beginning of this nation, God wanted the Jews to be modest and not have an exaggerated assessment of themselves. God emphasized to them through Moses that they were the smallest of the nations, yet He chose them for specific tasks. And that hasn't changed so far. Israel is still one of the smallest countries in the world. Its territory is smaller than half of Switzerland and has about the same population as Berlin.
Before the Christian era, Israel was the only chosen nation by God. In the language of this nation, through its prophets, the inspired Word of God was given, from which we learn that this land has been a place of God's special activity since the dawn of human history. There was the garden of God Eden, where the first man, Adam, was created. There, also 4127 years later, the Savior Jesus Christ was born. The New Testament gives a detailed account of the Savior's activities, His death and resurrection. The Christian Church was founded there when the Holy Spirit was sent to Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost.
A religious man cannot find the right words to express his interest and appreciation for this land, which he often calls "holy land". Indeed, it is sanctified by Divine activity, as someone poetically put it: "Every stone is a novel, and every tree is a poem." Numerous prophecies of God's Word make it clear that God's Kingdom on earth will begin not from Rome, London, Moscow, or Washington, but from that country – Jerusalem. (Jer. 3:17)
"And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double"
Jeremiah 16:18
The Hebrew word that has been translated as "double" is mishneh and means the second part, the repetition. Hence, the prophet's statement should be understood as follows: From the time the Jews were rejected from God's favor, there will be a "double" period before God will receive them back into favor. Thus, the period in which they were blessed by God with special blessings and the period of their rejection are equal to each other and amount to 1845 years. The first period covers the years from the death of James to the death of Christ, and the second period, from the death of Christ to 1878. B-231,232,219
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"And it was in that very year – 1878 A.D., when their "double" was full, and God's favor was due to return to that people – that the "Berlin Congress of Nations" was held, in which Lord Beaconsfield (a Jew), then Prime Minister of England, was the central figure and took the leading part. There England assumed a general protectorate over the Asiatic provinces of Turkey, among which is Palestine; and the Turkish government amended its laws relating to aliens, which greatly ameliorated the condition of the Jews then residing in Palestine, as well as partially opened the door for others to locate there, with the privilege of holding real estate." B-218
"At the same time that the door to Palestine thus opened before them, a fierce persecution arose in Roumania and Germany, and specially in Russia, where it still continues – increasingly. By one regulation after another they have been despoiled of rights and privileges by these governments, as well as mobbed by their neighbors, until they are being compelled to leave in large numbers. But this persecution is doubtless a favor also, as it will tend, and has already tended, to cause them to look toward Jerusalem and the covenants, and to remind them that they are heirs of certain rich earthly promises." B-221
In God's vision of the valley of the dry bones, given to the prophet Ezekiel, the return of favor to the Jews is shown. When the prophet, at God's command, began to prophesy to these bones then there was a voice, Hebrew, "kol", and a motion among the bones.

The words of the Jew, Prime Minister of the English Lord Beaconfield, at the Congress in Berlin, were that groundbreaking voice that awakened the hopes of the Jewish people. From then on, there was a symbolic motion among the hitherto dead bones, and the march to establish an independent state began. The "bones" finally came together in 1947 when the UN decided on the matter and in 1948, when Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the State of Israel.
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In 1878 the first Jewish agricultural settlement in Israel was established under the name of Petah Tikwa. From that year on Jewish settlers in Palestine began to rebuild the country's economy, Jewish culture and create the foundations of self-defense forces. Their goal was to build a Jewish state.
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When it comes to comparing the respective events and exact parallel dates of the two ages, Jewish and Gospel, it is clear that "It is not a cunningly devised correspondency, arranged to suit the facts; for many of these parallels, and other truths, were seen from prophecy, and were preached as here presented, several years prior to A.D. 1878. This very year was announced as the time of returning favor to Israel before it came, and before any event marked it so. The author of this volume published these conclusions drawn from Scripture, in pamphlet form, in the spring of A.D. 1877." B-223
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"To find the measure of their double, when favor was due and began toward them, and when therefore it began to depart from the nominal Spiritual Israel, we count eighteen hundred and forty-five (1845) years from the Spring of A.D. 33, and obtain the date of the Passover, A.D. 1878." B-232
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Ezekiel 37
The prophet Ezekiel received from God a vision of the valley of the dry bones. This vision was of an old battlefield, as the bones were very dry. At God's command, the prophet spoke twice: first to the bone and then to the spirit. At his first prophesying promising them spirit, there was a noise, the bones moved and focused with a crunch, and then they coated themselves with flesh and skin. Then, at God's second command, the spirit entered the bones clothed with flesh and gave life to the whole.
The Jewish people and Ezekiel were then in captivity in Babylon, which began in 606 B.C. So this vision was given to comfort the Jewish people, which were plagued by God's punishment. It indicated that the time of their captivity would end and that they would be restored to the land of their fathers.
With the fall of Babylon, this prophetic vision was fulfilled in a sense. After 70 years of captivity, in 536 B.C., King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return to their homeland. However, the main fulfillment of this prophecy does not refer to those historical events, but to the final restoration of the Jewish people after their long captivity, which they were punished for the crucifixion of the Son of God. The expulsion of Israel to all nations, unknown to their ancestors, is the subject of many Old Testament prophecies. The complete destruction of their national existence took place in 135 A.D., after the Romans suppressed the uprising of Bar Kokchba. With the end of the punishment of "double" in 1878, a special period of the immigration movement and the creation of Jewish settlements in Palestine began.
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The work of Theodor Herzl entitled The "Jewish State", published in 1897, became the historical foundation of Zionism.
The Second World War especially contributed to the establishment of the State of Israel. On November 29, 1947, fifty years after Herzl's prophetic words, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to establish a Jewish state. Based on this resolution, the State of Israel was proclaimed on May 15, 1948. With the establishment of the Jewish state, the process of building up the bones in Ezekiel's vision was completed. From that time on, the independent state began to develop dynamically and comprehensively, depicted as covering the bones with veins, flesh and skin.
Despite its turbulent development, the nation of Israel is regarded by God as a collection of dead bodies – a nation without a spirit. The revival of these bodies, shown in the vision, will not come until the unbelief of this nation, its reliance on its own power, cease and will be replaced by the spirit of repentance and faithful expectation of God. This will be the condition that Israel will attain under the circumstances of Jacob's last tribulation (Jer 30:7). The life-giving spirit will be given to them by the Lord when the whole nation will acknowledge their error and when "they shall look unto me whom they have."
As is evident from the chronological orientation so far, the conversion of the Jewish people and the giving to it a spirit will take place after the Great Tribulation, and at the beginning of God's Kingdom on earth in 1984.
The words "as I am prophesied" inform that the reaction in the dry bones had been occurring in parallel with the words prophet. The process of covering the bones with flesh represents Israel's development after the establishment of the state and is therefore not included in the compilation.
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The characteristic words of our Lord to the fig tree, which did not bear fruit and which immediately withered after his words (Mt 21:19,20), make us believe that the fig tree in this prophecy represents the nation Israeli. The awakening of this nation from deadness, likened by our Lord to the rejuvenation of the fig tree branches, is one of the greatest evidences of our Lord's Second Presence and indicates unfailingly the coming of summer – of the Kingdom of God.

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"Pessimists claimed that Israel would be a child born on May 14, 1948, so as to die on the same day. Optimists said that with a little luck, Israel might even survive to the end of the month. But our best friends predicted that we would be able to survive the entire month until mid-June was the height of optimism. " E. Lapide 1974
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One of the signs of the end times was the Six-Day War in the Middle East in 1967, caused by the planned attack of the Arab states on the state of Israel. The war, which lasted from 5 to 10 June, ended with an overwhelming victory for Israel. As a result, into the hands of Israelites fell of whole Jerusalem, as well as the lands on the west side of the Jordan.
In the parallels with David's life, the remarkable battle between Israel and the Arabs in 1967 corresponds to David's fight with Goliath. "Biblical Chronology" pp. 104-106, 205
Simultaneously with this event, there was a "cry at midnight" announcing the date of Christ's union with the Church and the closing events of the Gospel Age (Mt 25:6; Rev 8:1; 10:3).
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In process of rebirth Israel rebirth had from the very beginning to face the growing hostility of the surrounding Arab states. These countries, many times more numerous and better armed, "insulted" him by threats and military attacks, not hiding their intentions to erase him from the map of the world. This demonstration of power was the manifest of presumptuousness of biblical Goliath before his fight with the young David. The course of the six-day battle between Israel and the Arabs was also a faithful fulfillment of the biblical picture.
Here are the words of a French journalist: "Nobody realized the extent of the defeat. Even we journalists in Cairo that day were convinced that radio Israel was exaggerating its reports from the front. Therefore, the later news of the adoption of the ceasefire struck in Cairo like a bolt from the blue. Egyptian journalists thought there had been some mistake. " When analyzing the causes of the defeat, the Cairo daily Al Ahram wrote that the Egyptians had a large amount of modern military equipment, but were unable to make use of it. Some commanders were intoxicated by the strong spectacle of the Egyptian army's march towards Sinai on May 15-20.
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"Since we believe that spiritual Israel is almost complete, we expect the blessing of the Israelites according to the flesh and the end of their blindness. We expect them to be the first of the restitution class to be blessed by spiritual Israel, and so that because of mercy shown to you, and they obtained mercy. '(Romans 11:31) When in this way they will receive mercy by the whole and glorified Church of Christ, then they will indeed be used as the Lord's instruments to bless all nations of the earth, and thus the Abrahamic promises will be fulfilled for both kinds of seed - both what is according to the flesh and what is according to the spirit - 'so that the promise will remain intact for all offspring, not only for the offspring of the law, but also for the one who has the faith of Abraham' - Romans 4:16 ". C-299
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John 19:37
These words were written by the John apostle, one of the eyewitnesses of all the details of our Lord's crucifixion. Although Roman soldiers nailed the Lord to the cross, and one of them pierced his side with a spear, the main culprits of this act were the Jews (Acts 2:23). Witnessing this, John apostle quoted a passage from the prophecy of Zechariah (12:10-14) in which the prophet foretells the repentance of the Jews in the end times. They will repent of an act that had burdened their nation with a voluntarily accepted curse (Mt 27:25). However, the Scriptures affirm that the Jews were not completely aware of Whom they were crucified at that time (Acts 3:17; 1 Cor 2:8).
The prophet Zechariah relates the realization of the Jewish people of their national error to the time when God would pour out his spirit upon that nation (Zech 12:10).
Parallel to this perspective, the prophet Joel speaks of the pouring out of spirit upon all flesh during earthly restitution. The Jewish people will be the first to accept Jesus and His restitution conditions, and all the nations of the earth will after him. The full restoration of Israel's spiritual sight is therefore postponed until the establishment of the New Covenant, when the Church is glorified and the Great Company class is also taken from the earth (Rom 11:25-29). The most recent chronological orientation is that this time falls in the fall of 1984, when the storm of great tribulation is over. The recognition by the Jewish people of the Messiah in Jesus whom they put to death is revealed in the beautiful story of Joseph and his brothers.
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The work of the prophet Zechariah in Israel was cynically rated at thirty pieces of silver. It was a sum not exceeding the price of the slave (Ex 21:32). It is the payment which the evangelist Matthew associates as a prophecy with the payment of thirty pieces of silver which the representatives of Israel paid to Judas for the betrayal of the Lord Jesus. This money was abandoned by Judas in the temple (Mt 27:1-5).
Zechariah, the shepherd of Israel on behalf of God, represents Jesus Christ.
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Joseph made himself known to his brothers in 1830 B.C. The fulfillment of the antitypical of this event will take place in 1984 A.D., i.e. after 3,814 years.
1830 + 1984 = 3814

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"Jesus loved his enemies so that he was heartily willing to do good to them – he bears no enmity or grudge toward them in return for their hatred, but is ready to pour out upon them in due time his Millennial blessings, that they may all come to the knowledge of the truth, and that even those who pierced him may look upon him and weep when God shall pour upon them the spirit of prayer and supplication, in due time. (Zech 12:10)". F-454
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In the story of Abram, the handmaid of Hagar and their son Ishmael, God hid one of the very important outlines of His Plan. The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, sheds a supernatural light on this story. According to his explanations, Abram, whom the Lord later changed his name to Abraham, represents God himself. The slave girl, Hagar, represents the Law Covenant, while the son of Ishmael represents the nation of Israel. The Apostle teaches that the Law Covenant, pictured in Hagar, is also depicted in Mount Sinai, the place where the Law Covenant was made (Gal 4:25).
Ishmael was born when Abraham was 86 years old, i.e. in 2034 B.C., therefore from Ishmael's birth till the making of the Law Covenant elapsed 419 years.
2034 – 1615 = 419
Just as Abram was a father to Ishmael, so God was a father to Israel according to the flesh with whom he made a covenant. This was not, however, the nature of the relationship that spiritual Israel has with God, a relationship of intimacy based on justification by the blood of Christ (Jer 3:4,19; Mal 1:6; 2:10; Is 63:16; Jn 1:12; Rom 8:15).
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"Fleshly Israel, like Spiritual Israel, was called of God to be his peculiar people, a peculiar treasure unto him above all other people (the one an earthly treasure, and a type of the other, which is a heavenly treasure). Separated from the world, they were the recipients of special favor from God for eighteen hundred and forty-five (1845) years. This period began with the beginning of their national life, at the death of Jacob, the last of the patriarchs, when they were first recognized as a nation, and called 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel,' a national name. See Gen. 49:28; 46:3; Deut. 26:5.
These eighteen hundred and forty-five years of national life and favor ended with their rejection of Messiah – A.D. 33 – when, five days before his crucifixion, he presented himself to them as their king, and, not being received, declared, 'Your house is left unto you desolate' (Mt 23:38)." B-213

The retribution of Divine justice for the shedding of innocent blood had been pour out on the later generations of this nation.
"That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous unto the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom ye slew between the sanctuary and the altar. Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." (Mt 23:35,36)
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Our Lord's parable of the rich man and Lazarus is a pictorial representation of the history of the Jews and the Gentiles.
The Jewish people were rich in the promises God made to their father Abraham and then to all the people at Mount Sinai (Gen 12:1-3; Ex 19:3-6). The scarlet garment of the rich man represents the kingship with which this nation was endowed by promises, while the linen cloth – figural justification by the blood of animals. Divine providence was constantly watching over Israel.
At the same time, the Gentiles did not enjoy these privileges. Thus their regrettable condition is shown in situation of Lazarus who waited for the crumbs to fall from the rich man's table. Dog-licked ulcers represent the unjustified sinful position of the Gentiles before God. Lazarus may also depict tax collectors and sinners of the Jewish people, but the leading truth in this parable is the matter of exclusive favor for the Jews, and next its loss to the Gentiles. It was one of the main themes of the Jewish harvest.
The Jewish people died like the rich man in the parable. Due to their refusal to accept the Messiah, the Jews lost God's favor, which ultimately brought about the destruction of their national existence.
The suffering of the rich man after his death and his funeral represent the suffering that came to the Jewish people as a result of the national destruction after the fall of the Simon bar Kokhba uprising in 135 A.D.
Lazarus in Abraham's bosom represents a radical and joyful change for the Gentiles since God first "looked upon the Gentiles" (Acts 15:14). From then on, the Gentiles seeking God ceased to exist as a people rejected by Him, hopelessly, away from the Jewish community. This is how Lazarus died in the parable. The Gentiles illustrated in Lazarus died with Christ to share in the Abrahamic covenant as his heirs (Eph 2:12-15; Gal 3:16,27,29).
Abraham represents God and his womb represents a state of favor.
The period of exclusive grace for Israel lasted 2,081 years, from the Abrahamic covenant to the end of the 70 weeks of favor in the year 36 A.D. (Dan 9:24-27). In 36 A.D., the first Gentile, Cornelius, and his family were accepted into God's favor (Acts 10).
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Added by: Andrzej