How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment

Students of the Bible at United States announced received by faith the fact of the second presence of Christ since 1874 and expiry of so-called Times of the Gentiles (1914). These two matters are mutually closely connected. Zedekiah turned out to be the last king who sat down on the "throne of Jehovah" (1 Chron. 29:23). Prophet Ezekiel announced the king's dethronization and the fall typical kingdom of God, and declared to expect on the legitimate claimant to the crown that is the Jesus Christ (21:26, 27). From Divine Plan of the Ages it results, that this period of the interregnum had to last more than two and a half millenium. At that time it was permitted to the Pagan rulers to administer the matters of the world according to their own fancy. That is why the Lord Jesus named that entire period the Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24). Our Lord, from the very beginning of his invisible presence (1874), until expiration of the Pagans power (1914), he did not violate the laws of kings, aristocracy and clergy. Nevertheless, all the meantime of the forty years, he was organizing his earthly army, until he put it in the battle readiness. The outbreak of First World War started the assault a fortresses of paganized Christianity. The fifth angel blew his trumpet and the first woe has began.


In the other vision, Apostle John saw a soaring eagle, which called with a loud cry: woe, woe, woe. It means, that John class at Poland has seen with the spiritual sight an activity of their predecessors at USA before 1914, when they were announcing three stages of the impending destruction of old world: war, revolution and anarchy. Theirs prophetic proclamation was based on Elijah's vision. American brothers understood then, that the wind, which prophet saw, means the war, the earth-quake means revolution and the fire means anarchy. The understanding, that the Bible Students at USA were this flying eagle, has become possible only then, when God's Lamb, Jesus Chris broke the seventh seal. For the God's people has been then given last portion of "their food in due season" and they have gathered together around it as long-sighted eagles (Matt. 24:45).

This spiritual food was presented as the small open book (scroll), which John had to take from the Angel hand and to eat. (Rev. 10:2-11). "Bible Chronology" published in the April, 1974, was the practical equivalent of the small book. In this book it was explained, that the vision of Elijah prophet (wind, quake, fire) and the vision of John apostle (three woe) are the same pictorial presentation.

The small book included also instruction for the John class, which the Angel worded as follow: "Thou must prophesy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings" (10:11). It was clear command to prophesy once again. This had to be the repetition in the every accessible way of the first prophesying, saying about overthrowing of the power of the Gentiles by war, revolution and anarchy.


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"Bible Chronology” (published in April, 1974). Part III – Bible Numerology


"And the fifth angel sounded; and I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him [earth] the key of the pit of the abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke came forth locusts upon the earth..." (Rev. 9:1-3)


On the background of the events of the first world war, in February 1917, broke out in Russia the bourgeois-democratic revolution. The plan of overthrow of the tsar's monarchy, from many years prepared with great obstinacy and with the steadfast belief in the victory, was at last executed. The prayers of the Orthodox Church and all followers of the Tsar ("God Save the Tsar!"), which found himself in the tragic situation, did not have the result. The Russian Tsar, already having not the support in revolutionized society, as the star of bitterness, "Wormwood," fell down from the exaltation occupied so far, and together with him the whole old state of affairs, which he was the representative.

This is truth in the due time for "eagles" (Rev. 8:13):

The words: "Emperor," "Kayser" or "Tsar," all come from the Greek word "kaisar" (Luke 2:1; 23:2).

Lesson 72


The Provisional Government (Key) replaced the overthrown Tsar. The leading Bolsheviks came back from banishment and prisons. The Bolshevik party came out of the conspiracy (the "key" allowed on developing the activity openly and freely). Bolsheviks right away approached to executing the line of the tactical party, propagating propaganda against the bourgeois Provisional Government. From this came into being the socialist revolution (smoke, eclipse). Bolshevism won with the final attack on the Winter Palace, which was captured on the night of November 7 (October, according to the old style of the calculation).

"In 7 XI began the debates the Second Congress of Soviets. Congress proclaimed the assumption of the power by the Council of People’s Commissars, resolved the Decree on Peace, and the Decree on Land, and has appointed the first Soviet Government: a Council of People's Commissars. The Decree on Peace called on the nations waging the world war to immediate cessation of fight and the beginning of negotiations in the aim of establishing the democratic peace without annexation and contribution; the Decree on Land deprived the landowners of the ground without recompense; by March-February 1918, the Soviet power was constituted at the all main centres of the country (...) In the result of the October Revolution came into being the socialist state, first in history." "Mała Encyklopedia Powszechna" PWN, Warsaw 1959, page 812.

We find out from the quotation above mentioned, that the Bolshevik party took control of the power in the country in the sufficient degree from November 1917 to March 1918 (or – according to the old style of the calculation – since October till February).

Period of "five months" is given apparently as the sign of the time, that enables to understand subject-matter contained in the fifth verse.

To stifle every opposition, Bolsheviks implemented right away planned long ago the dictatorship of the proletariat. They appointed radically only the one way – to serve to the bolshevism idea. If people would like to serve to the different idea ("to die" for the bolshevism) – they will not do this because "the death will run away from them" (verse 6).

Verses 7-10:

"The horses" means the combat doctrines; "the crowns like golden" means similarity to God's Kingdom; "the faces as the human's" – the idea for people's good; "hair like women's" (long as with Samson, who is the picture of the socialism – see "Photo-Drama of Creation," pages 89, 94) – the power reaching everywhere; "teeth like lions'" – the means crushing every resistance. "Breastplates like iron" – the iron justice (Eph. 6:14): "from everyone according to his ability, and for each according to his needs." "The wings," "chariots," "the horses [of battle]" are the symbol of the quick, efficient the battle organization, about which Lenin so genially strove for. The scorpions are voracious, run always with the tail raised upward and look dangerously. Their tail is armed with the sting and the gland that possesses the dangerous poison (atheism). They can make the damage only for "the tares," but not for these, which have God's seal on forehead (verse 4), that is for everyone of the truly God's consecrated people (144,000).

Lesson 73

"They have over them as king the angel of the abyss: his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek [tongue] he hath the name Apollyon" (Rev. 9:11).

"Abaddon," "Apollyon" = "the Destroyer" (of the old order of things).


Lesson 74

When the Bolshevik party achieved the kingdom in the November (October) Revolution 1917, then it became the king Abaddon. This party together with the destructive "locust" is destined to the Great Day of Battle of God the SovereignArmageddon (Mountain of the Destruction).


Lesson 75

The Hebrew word Abaddon has this property, that it is written: Abadon, and is read: Abaddon, because in the letter "d" is so-called "Dagesh forte" and because of this the letter "d" we ought speak doubly.
From here, this word has two numerical values: (1) written and (2) spoken:
(1) Abadon = 63           (2) Abaddon = 67

The numbers 63 and 67 are pointing beginning and end of Armageddon.


Lesson 76

Abaddon (the Destroyer) is designed to destruction of "Babylon":


Lesson 77

"The first Woe is past" (verse 12).

"The first woe" – the first world war in years 1914-1918. The first from the announced sufferings came to an end.

If we will multiply the numerical value of expression, "the first woe" by 3,5 (the number of the suffering – the broken seven; see "The List of Subjects Biblical"), then we will receive the date of the end of the first world war:

548  x  3,5  =  1918


"And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the horns of the golden altar which is before God, one saying to the sixth angel that had one trumpet, Loose the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates!" (Rev. 9:13, 14)

Second woe signifies the farther development of the revolutionary movement on the background of second world war. The verses, quoted above, show that again according to God's Plan from Christ (Gold Altar) goes out the command, to untie the four Angels. The four Angels represent four principles which define the transition from the old state of affairs to a new one: (1) the revolution, (2) the dictatorship of the proletariat, (3) the socialism, (3) the communism.

Above mentioned the four principles of the working of the revolutionary movement were imprisoned (were bound) only in the borders of the nations of the USSR (the great river, Euphrates was at Babylon; her signifies also a confusion).

It was need of great events to destroy the wall that fenced off the first state built in accord with revolutionary passwords from the rest of the world. Prepared by international imperialism and the sparked off by fascist Germany war against Soviet Union has ended for imperialists in the way unexpected. The borders of Soviet Union cracked under the pressure of nazi armies. Hitler, encouraged through the victories, which he won on the West, on Napoleon's similarity invaded with his army on Soviet Union. Similarly as some day Napoleon, so and he went on as the storm. Subsequently, as once Napoleon... he also stopped, and... similarly as Napoleon he made the "victorious retreat." Revolutionary armies fought off the invasion of German armies and then they went out of their borders and spread after the earth as the destructive locust. They occupied the row of the countries of Europe and Asia. In after-effect these states implemented at them democratic people’s systems and created together with Soviet Union the powerful camp of socialism.

In this way were fulfilled the words once written by John:

"And the four angels were loosed, that had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, that they should kill the third part of men" (verse 15).

"Before World War II the socialist system occupied 17 the percentage of the territory and about 9 the percentage of the population of earthly globe – after the war – 26 the percentage of the territory and about 35 the percentage of the population of the world." "Historia Komunistycznej Partii Związku Radzieckiego" "History of Communist Party of Soviet Union" Książka i Wiedza, Poland, 1960, page 767

"And the number of the armies of the horsemen was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard the number of them" (verse 16).

Soviet armies in second world war represented ideology of the two hundred millions of occupants of USSR (208,827,000 in 1959).

"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates [as] of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone: and the heads of lions; and out of their mouths proceedeth fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three plagues was the third part of men killed, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone, which proceeded out of their mouths" (verses 17, 18).


The horses – this doctrines; riders – this leaders; the brestplates of the colour of the fire, hiacyntu and sulphur – this the destructive justice (Eph. 6:14); the heads of horses like lions' – this the main doctrines, predatory, which radically destruct the old state of affairs (by "the fire, the smoke and the sulphur").

"For the power of the horses is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails are like unto serpents, and have heads; and with them they hurt" (verse 19).

The power in the mouths and in the tails – this is universal propaganda.

"And the rest of mankind, who were not killed with these plagues, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and the idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and of stone, and of wood; which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk: and they repented not of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (verses 20, 21).

Those two verses say, that the expanding bolshevism is the whip of God – the plague which should have aroused the penance for bad acts, for worshiping devil, mute and deaf idols (devilish teachings being rampant in nominal Christianity, and the uncontrollable thirst of getting rich). But and this whip did not arouse the desirable reform. Therefore people must be penalized by final punishment (seventh plague). This penalty will come from God, and it will be executed through the tools to this aim prepared by ideology of the "four angels," long ago to this revenge destined. The "four angels" had "to kill" a third of mankind in Second World War, but they have still the more important task to the realization in appointed by God "hour, day, month and year" – that is Armageddon.

Lesson 78


Lesson 79

"And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, arrayed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire; and he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left upon the earth" (Rev. 10:1, 2).

Our Lord, at the time of his presence, after second world war, took control over world divided on the two camps: (1) capitalistic – the earth, and (2) the socialist – the sea. Notice outstanding thing: He set his right foot on the sea (the side of the larger favour), meanwhile his left leg on the land.

Open little book in the Angel right hand represents the small range of God's revelation given for the final time. The Lord spoke through the truth, which He gave at the proper time and which relates to the final matters of world and of his people.


The number "4559" represents the quantity of years, from the entry the typical Israeli nation to earthly Canaan (1575 B.C.) till to the end of the Millennium of earthly Restitution (1984 + 1000). Just then, the world divided on the two camps and depressed with the great tribulation will rest at last under fair rules of Christ.
1575  +  1984  +  1000  =  4559

Lesson 80

The Lord spoke by the opening of final outlines of the Divine Plan hidden so far under Seventh Seal.


Lesson 81

The Lord spoke as the roar of a Lion (Rev. 5:1-5 – the Lion from the tribe of Judah) with the cry raised at midnight: "Here is Betrothed, come out to meet him!"

There is a close relation between the Lord's call as the roar of the lion and the text 3:7, 8 of prophecy of Amos:

"Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, except he reveal his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared; who will not fear? The Lord Jehovah hath spoken; who can but prophesy?"

Let's apply this text to our calculation:

Added by: Andrzej
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