The words of the Apostle John, "God is Love," are supremely substantiated by the teachings of the Scriptures, which reveal the activity of Divine Love in the very work of creation, during the fall of man and in the future work of restitution of the world. The first of the books of the Bible already draws in front of our eyes the image of God's Love when describes the shaping of the earthly planet for human habitation; when it is getting the earth out of chaos, filling it with vegetation and lower creatures of unparalleled wealth of types, sizes, shapes and colors, to make it a lively garden for the king of the earth – man.
In every detail of creation we can see the tender hand of the Heavenly Father who did everything to ensure full happiness for His earthly children. Together with the Psalmist, we cry out: "O Jehovah, our Lord, How excellent is thy name in all the earth!" (Ps 8:10).
God did not abandon man even when he, unmindful to God's goodness, at Satan's instigation, fell into darkness of sin. From the very beginning, Divine Love was shining with ever stronger rays of hope through rigorous orders and acts of righteous anger. The garments made of animal skins, with which God mercifully covered the first human couple, with a sense of guilt leaving the garden of Eden, was one of the first signs of effective help by the mighty arm of the Lord – the Savior.
God "rested" from the work of creation when sin entered into the world, entrusting the fulfillment of the Plan of Salvation, outlined by his boundless Love, to his beloved, only-begotten Son (Heb 4:10). The basis of this Plan was the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was the foreseen Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (1 Pet 1:18-21). The guarantees for the fulfillment of this Plan were fulfilled when the Savior, dying as a sin offering, cried out on the cross: It is finished!
The teaching of our Lord, "who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel," has revealed an even wider range of Divine Love. It pleased God to lift from degradation, to test in faithfulness, and then to exalt to the divine, immortal nature, the Church class – the Bride of the Lamb. Those who will receive such great honors must develop the main attribute of God's character – selfless love. The present, prevalent evil creates unique conditions for achieving this attribute.
"God is Love, our Lord Jesus is Love, and when the Church is glorified, she will also be Love."
God's Love together with God's Power, the qualities represented by the two cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant, await the consent of God's Justice to bring health, life and happiness to a suffering mankind. As soon as the sacrifices of the Day of Atonement in which the Church participates are completed, the glorious time of the Restitution of the world will come.
The time will fully reveal the action of Divine Love in what, to human short-sightedness, seemed to be a merciless delay. Humanity's knowledge of its sinful state, as well as of God's Love, the depth of which was revealed at the time of man's fall, will become a guarantee of obedience and confidence of mankind in its Creator for all eternity.
Rational and harmonious, unsurpassed in every detail, the Divine Salvation Plan has been developed calmly and systematically throughout the millennia. The perfection and mathematical precision of its implementation in the stream of time fill our hearts with a feeling of admiration and gratitude for the great Author, Performer and Revealer of this plan.
The compositions (juxtepositions) of biblical numerology included in this work partially show the richness of the thoughts that we can see in the Holy Book given to us by the Creator. They concern his beloved Son, whom He gave as his supreme gift, having loved the world, that whoever believes in him may not perish but have eternal life (Jn 3:16).
Therefore, let us give all glory to God for the designing and implementation of the Plan of Salvation, and to our Lord and Head, recognition and gratitude for its revelation. Let all the earth be filled with this glory!
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All momentous events in the dramatic history of the world were foretold by God's prophets. Through these prophets God informed about his omniscience, about His plans and complete power to restore mankind to the lost Paradise.
The last prophetic witness in the Gospel Age was bearing at the beginning of the seventh thousand years from the man's fall, when the Lord Jesus Christ began the Restitution work (1874). The main phase of this prophecy was initiated by a group of Bible Students in the United States by announcing the fact of Christ's second presence. That prophetic movement was led by Charles Taze Russell. The first phase of prophesying ended with the expiry of the so-called "Times of the Gentiles", that is the God's permission for world rule of various earthly kings prior to the coming of the rightful King. In 1914, as predicted, World War broke out as the first of three stages of the removal of world powers by the symbolic "wind" of war, the "earthquake" of social revolution, and the "fire" of anarchy.
The above prophesying was supplemented with the second phase by the prophetic movement that developed in Poland in the 1960s and 1970s. It was headed by a member of the Warsaw's Church of the Free Bible Students, brother Tadeusz Wiśniewski.

This movement announced the coming spring of 1981 as the watershed moment of Christ's presence, that is Epiphany, and the associated glorification of the Church class and the beginning of the third phase of the fall of Gentile power, "fire," or world anarchy.
The two most important books published by this movement were "Biblical Chronology" (published April 1974) and "God is Love" (published December 1980). The first of these books was practically the beginning of the movement, the second its end.
The content of "Biblical Chronology" foreshadowed the future event relating both the Church and the world, especially the events of the prophetic "week of years" 1977-1984. In turn, the book "God is Love", published almost in the middle of those seven years, not only supports the prophetic announcements, but also contains comments that show the amazing compatibility of these announcements with the stream of events observed on the political scene since the fall of 1977.
The number of explanations continued to increase, so preparations for their publication in print began. It took several months before the explanations finally appeared in the form of a book of seven hundred pages in the late 1980s. The special conditions of that period forced the successive printing of such an extensive work. This had an impact on its editorial layout. Some of the translations were already in print, and reality still was adding new and important chapters to the content of the book. This forced publishers to print pages with the same number with the letter a, b, c, etc., and even introduce a section called the Appendix. In the current, computer edition of this book [2021], related thematic sections have been combined, while retaining the original numbering of the compositions, adding at the same time the original page in parentheses on which these composition appear.
With our sincere conviction of the truthfulness of this prophetic work and with wishes for a spiritual blessing, we present it to interested Readers.
Publishers, March 2021
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The Hebrew and Greek alphabets have the property that their individual letters have numerical values: a (?, Α) = 1, b (?, Β) = 2, g (?, Γ) = 3, d (?, δ) = 4 etc. By adding up the values of the letters, we can obtain the numerical values of words, phrases or sentences. The Latin alphabet has a similar property, except that only some of its letters have numerical values.
In antiquity, biblical numbering was defined by the words: Gematria or isopsephy.
"There are also some undoubted examples of gematria in the Bible. The number of three hundred and eighteen servants of Abraham (Gen 14:44) most likely corresponds to the number of the name Eliezer, heirs of Abraham 1 + 30 + 10 + 70 + 7 + 200 = 318. In the calculation three times fourteen generations, making up the lineage of Jesus (Mat 1:17), some see the gematria of David's name (DWD – 4 + 6 + 4 = 14) based on the symbolic use of the number seven. Jesus would thus be regarded as the 'threefold David' (in a special way belonging to the dynasty of David and being at the same time the Messiah.) There is no doubt, however, as to the number of the beast (666) in Rev. 13:18, even if the very basis of the calculation is under discussion."
"Dictionary of Biblical Theology" by Fr. Kazimierz Romaniuk, Pallotinum 1973, p. 424
The commentary on Rev 13:18 in the book "The Finished Mystery" contains the information that the numerical value of the letters on the tiara of the Pope "Vicarivs Filii Dei" (Vicar of the Son of God) is 666. Further observations of the biblical text revealed that numberology not only has it proved to be helpful in identifying of the papal beast, but is the key to understanding God's mysteries throughout the Scriptures. The text of Rev 13:18 is like the end of thread winded on to a spool. Pulling on this end began the unwinding of the entire length of the "thread" of understanding given by our Lord by the numberology method.
In a book entitled "Biblical Chronology" (issued 1974), an entire separate section is devoted to spiritual lessons that would not be possible to understand without the use of the numerology method. The teachings of the next book "The Glory of God" (published in 1977) are based entirely on biblical numerology. Similarly, it is common to use this biblical method of explaining the truth in this book entitled "God Is Love." In this book, in addition to numbers in the biblical languages – Hebrew and Greek, there are also numbers in Russian based on the so-called "Cyrillic".
"The Cyrillic script is a writing system used for various languages across Eurasia.
As of 2019, around 250 million people in Eurasia use Cyrillic as the official script for their national languages, with Russia accounting for about half of them.
Cyrillic is derived from the Greek uncial script, augmented by letters from the older Glagolitic alphabet. The script is named in honor of the Saint Cyril, one of the two Byzantine brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius, who created the Glagolitic alphabet earlier on. Modern scholars believe that Cyrillic was developed and formalized by the early disciples of Cyril and Methodius in the Preslav Literary School. Preslav scholars were much more dependent upon Greek models and quickly abandoned the Glagolitic scripts in favor of an adaptation of the Greek uncial to the needs of Slavic, which is now known as the Cyrillic alphabet."
Notes derived from Wikipedia
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Revolutionary Movement in Russia plays a very important role during our Lord's Second Presence. His victorious march was especially marked in the period of the three "woes" (Rev 8:13). The work of destroying the old order of things by the activity of Bolshevism is described by a series of prophecies, including the book of Revelation.
The numerical values of words, expressions and descriptions concerning the revolutionary communist movement, juxtaposed with the numerical values of the appriopriate elements of the biblical text, make it possible to understand the mysteries of God that have been hidden so far.
Here are some additional notes:
1. Summary values of the words, phrases and biblical or secular passages juxtapositioned in individual compositions may point to the correct number on a 1:1 scale, as well as may be shown in a small or large scale.
2. The suitable number may be hidden in the numerical value of all words of the observed text or only in the numerical value of the first letters of these words. The advantage of this key is that you get a relatively small number that represents the entire, sometimes very long, text.
3. The Holy Scriptures are the Word of God and constitute a harmonious whole. Thus, the images and prophecies of the Old and New Testaments can be compared with each other despite the difference in the languages in which the two parts of the Bible were written. It is similar with used numerals. Greek numerals can be used to decifer the thoughts of the Hebrew text, and vice versa.
4. The verbal numerals appearing in the book "Glory of God," pointing to definite dates were used in the first case. In this work, the dates expressed in words, are also given in other cases. This applies to the date-numerals written with full in words as well as written in various abbreviations.
5. If the numbering concerns the texts of the Old Testament, and this is not marked, it should be understood that in this case only Hebrew text is numbered. Likewise, the numbering of New Testament texts applies to the Greek text.
6. The identical numbers obtained in the compilations, in which were juxteposed the elements to be compare, suggest that some common thought connects these compared elements or that they have simply the same meaning.
7. The sums obtained as a result of counting may be rounded up or down. The same principle applies to the presented dates. In addition, these dates may be specified strictly or in nominal years.
8. In many compilations of biblical numerology, placed in this work, the year 1980 is used as the date taking the Church up to glory and simultaniesly as the date of the beginning of the Great Tribulation. This is the spring 1981 date but given without fractions. When a date is expressed as 1981, it also specifies the spring of 1981. This above note is due to the fact that other numerous testimonies strictly specify such very date of the Church's glorification and the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
Exactly 1944.5 years passed from the Lord's death and His resurrection to the fall of 1977. It is not possible to express this period with a four-digit number and therefore its length is rounded up to 1945 years, or down to 1944 years.
9. Quotations from the Bible were taken from various translations of the Scripture, what, however, have no effect on the numerical values, bacause to the counting of verses of the Holy Text there were directly taken original texts of biblical languages: Hebrew and Greek.
10. The English "B.C." – abbreviation to "Before Christ", and "A.D." – abbreviation to "Anno Domini", appearing in the compositions, are the equivalents of their abbreviations, respectively: ?.Χ. (B.C.) or Μ.Χ. and Μ.Χρ. (A.D.), used in Studies in the Scriptures in Greek.
11. Original citations from the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures, in English, have been marked with large letters from A to F.
12. The word "Amen", used in compilations, has the meaning of the solemn confirmation: yes, let it be done so. In the Gospels the word is the most often translated "verily"; also spoken twice (Ps 41:14; Jn 1:51). "Amen" is also one of our Lord's names (Rev 3:14).
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The basis of the forming of the numerical juxtepositions are the Hebrew Masoretic (TM) text and the best renderings of the New Testament in Greek.
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Added by: Andrzej