The sin offering is a fundamental teaching of the Scriptures. It speaks of the sin of our first parents and the need to reconcile with God as a condition for restoring people's lost happiness and eternal life. The remarkable harmony of the testimonies of the writers of the Old and New Testaments points to Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection as the basis of the blessings that will flow into the world in his glorious Kingdom.
Divine love prepared a sin-offering in the person of the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. At Jordan, the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, John the Baptist, pointing to Jesus, proclaimed salvation to people: "Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world! "
All the sacrifices of the Law, all the blood that sprinkled the Jewish altars, indicated the future great sacrifice of the One who agreed to die for us. The history of the Pentateuch teaches that mankind in its original state of perfection was tested in one representative, Adam, who fell, and the present imperfections, disease, and death are its result. God did not abandon man, but would save him through a Redeemer, born of a woman, whose death is a sin-offering. His justice, as a covering for our sins, was shown through various symbols. It was indicated by coats of skins for Adam and Eve, the acceptance of Abel's sacrifice, the sacrifice of Isaac, the death of various sacrifices through which the patriarchs had access to God, and other sacrifices instituted under the Mosaic Law and offereded throughout the Jewish age.
The manner and timing of the laid down of sacrifice for sin are strictly defined by the prophecies and the ordinances of the Law Covenant. At the appointed hour, day and month, when the Jews were killing their typical lambs, the real Lamb, the Son of God, died on the cross.
The Lord, Jesus Christ, "who for the joy that was set before him", that is obedience to God's will and the redemption of dying mankind, "he humbled himself, and became obedient even unto death, even the death of the cross."
The fruit of this sacrificial death is:
– the great exaltation of Christ, the Head
– the immortal, divine nature of his Body, the Church
– eternal life for all people
The Greek word lutron anti (equivalent price) was used in our Lord's speech to disciples disputing over honors in God's Kingdom. The Lord has explained to them that God is the one who will allot the places in the Kingdom, and their present duty is to follow Him faithfully in their service to others.
On this occasion, the Lord spoke the very important truth that the main purpose of His coming into the world was to lay down life as an equivalent price (lutron anti) for humanity. Our Lord's words were identically wrote by two evangelists: Matthew (20:28) and Mark (10:45). The same phrase, in a different order – antilutron – is found in 1 Timothy (2: 5,6) under the term "ransom".
Our Lord was a perfect man, the equivalent of the perfect Adam, and therefore He could to give Himself as the corresponding price on behalf of Adam and on behalf of all mankind in him. It is said in the New Testament that our Lord died "for many," or "for all." It should also be borne in mind that although Eve sinned first, Adam was the main fault, for he was the head of the couple who were collectively called "man". (Gen 5: 2; 1 Tim 2: 11-15)
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"Now we see that our Lord Jesus left the heavenly glory so that He could accomplish the work of redeeming Adam and his race. We see that His change of nature, from spirit to human, was in sight to enable him to become the Ransom Price – perfect man for perfect man – Antilutron – Corresponding Price. Now we see that Jesus gave Himself as a ransom-price for all when He sacrificed Himself in Jordan at the age of thirty. it was the ransom-price for Adam and his race. The Lord Jesus completed this work of laying down his life, renouncing it, offering it, letting it be taken from him, when on the cross he cried out: 'It is finished!' Nothing more could be deposited than what was deposited there – the Ransom, a proper price for Father Adam, but the ransom was not paid there as the price to settle Adam's account, for Adam and the whole sinful race would then and there be passed on to Jesus. only placed in the hands of Divine Justice as a deposit in the account of the One who died, that He may later apply it according to God's plan." E-II
"Seeing this, we can rejoice that the good purposes of our Heavenly Father for our ransom and restitution, and full reconciliation to himself, have been amply arranged for..." E-427

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In this way the sin of of all people, including sin Adam and Eve, is being covered (is being taking away) with Merit of Christ.
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'It seems that it was necessary for our Lord, not only in this way to sacrifice himself, to use up his vital energies, to be touched by the experiences of our dying process, but also later, already on the cross, to experience the situation of the total sinner at least for a moment. separation from Heavenly Father, withdrawal of all supernatural support, while he cried out: 'My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?' As a sinner's substitute, He had to bear the sinner's punishment in all its details, and not before was His sacrificial mission accomplished until all of this was accomplished." E-127
The next comparison shows that the feeling of loneliness experienced by our Lord is similar to the experiences of Adam and his offspring.
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God planned the sacrifice for the sin of mankind's first parents. He showed it in the covering which he made for them in place of their insufficient clothes which they made for themselves to cover their nakedness (sin).
The clothing that God prepared was made of leather, and this circumstance conceals a pictorial clue to the death of the Redeemer of man. Such covering only can be accepted by God.
The serpent (Satan) was the initiator of sin.
At the end of a forty-year journey through the wilderness, God pointed to the Savior of Adam's sin. It was shown in a serpent of brass on a pole. Whoever bitten by poisonous serpents looked with faith at the copper serpent – had been healed. God was the initiator of making this serpent and setting it upon a pole above the earth.
These two above events are beautiful pictures of God's goodness shown in His Plan. This plan provided for the Redeemer of Jesus Christ, who by His suffering and death on the cross redeemed mankind bitten by sin.
We note that in God's command regarding the serpent (verse 8) is used the word saraph, which is translated for "venomous", "fiery". On the other hand, in the account of Moses' carrying out God's command (verse 9), is used different words, namely nehash nehosheth, which means "serpent of brass" (Num 21:8,9). These expressions are not accidental – they contain a hidden secret.
The following compilations use phrases from the New Testament in Hebrew by prof. Delitzsch. The Hebrew words Yeshua and Yehoshua are equivalent to the word Jesus.

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"By the explanation of our Lord [John 3:14,15] we know what great truth this figure teaches; namely, that God has provided mankind with no other way of gaining eternal life except by accepting Christ – yes, even more than that, for by accepting Christ crucified (...) Moreover, this lesson teaches that not only was it necessary that Christ die for our sins, but also that no one can be saved by His death but by looking at Him. , showing faith in the merit of his great sacrifice of reconciliation ... Looking at him from the stand of faith and accepting his Word, we hear his blessed message, which comforts our hearts and moves us to joy. He assures us through the prophets that the hour is coming, when all unseeing eyes are opened and all deaf ears are unclogged. He assures that every eye sees him, including those who pierced him." R-4047
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The journey of the Jewish people in the wilderness abound in pictures of important outlines of God's Plan. After Pharaoh's armies were destroyed, the waters of Marah were healed.
This pictorial event is the subject of the following compilations.
"Biblical Comments" on Ex 15:23-25:
Waters of Marah ...... Typifying the hope of everlasting life under the Law Covenant.
They were bitter ...... Typically poisoned by sin.
                                    It is not after the Lord’s people leave the Egyptian condition
                                    before they have bitter experiences.
Were made sweet ... Typifying conditions during the Millennial Age.
                                   Christ is able to make our bitter experiences sweet.

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"'The torment of our peace is upon him, and his blueness [we as sinners]' we are healed. Let us not forget that our healing, that is, our justification, preceded our acceptance as members of the body of Christ – members of the New Creatures, and that our acceptance into the higher the level, the level of sons and joint heirs, is made under the special condition that we 'suffer with him.' Or, as yet another word is said, we complete 'in those who fail to get the afflictions of Christ' (Is 53:4,5; Rom 8:17; Col 1:24)." F-632

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The main stone on which the Church of Christ is built is Jesus Christ (Mt 16:16-18; 1 Cor 3:11). Consecutive living stones are built upon Jesus Christ unto a spiritual home (1 Pet 2:5-8).
Jesus came to his own, but his own ones did not receive him. To the church-building religious leaders, Jesus Christ was useless, so they rejected Him; on the other hand, for those who appreciated Him, He became the Chief Stone – the Rock on which they can build with the conviction that they will not be disappointed in their hopes. According to prophetic statement, Jesus became the Head [stone] of the Corner (Ps 118:22). In Zechariah's prophecy (4:7), the Lord is presented as the Headstone, or the Capstone Stone (Hebrew: haeben haroshah). The term "Capstone Stone" refers us to the head-stone of the Great Pyramid, constituting its pyramidal pattern (Col 3:1-3; C-329).
From the prophetic texts about this truth, appropriate fragments have been selected and, together with their numerical values, included in the following compilations.

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"He came unto his own [as a nation], and they that were his own received him not." (Jn 1:11).
"The nation, through its representatives, the rulers, instead of receiving him, rejected him, and thus identified themselves for the time with the Adversary." F-461
"Here, in marked contrast, are seen the glory of moral perfection and the depth of human depravity. Here was the most sublime heroism, the most perfect self-abnegation, the most exalted benevolence, and the most devoted loyalty, in contrast with the vilest hypocrisy, the most cold-blooded hate, and the most abject cowardice. The meanest, vilest selfishness, pride and conceit delivered to ignominy and death the fairest flower of virtue that ever bloomed on earth, and wicked hands and fiendish hearts executed the dark designs of envy and hate, taking a morbid pleasure in the dying agonies of the Son of God, while he, as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, opened not his mouth in self-defence, but meekly submitted to the terrible ordeal of suffering and death for the world of sinners, none of whom could then appreciate and understand his motives or his work. Truly, the contrast of such virtue, in comparison with such depravity, encircles the Cross of Christ with a halo of ineffable glory, the broken rays of which, falling upon us, express to us all there is of moral excellence and worth.
In the apprehension, arraignment and crucifixion of Christ three classes of criminals come to view. First, there were those who, for envy, delivered him to death. They were the proud, boastful, self-righteous hypocrites, who, realizing their own inferiority, and aware of their own unfitness to be the leaders and saviors of the people, yet so anxiously craved the honors and praises of men and the emoluments of office that they could not brook the appearance of a rival of superior talents and ability. These hated the Lord without a cause, save that which originated in their own depravity. These, the mighty men of the Jewish nation, the rulers and religious teachers, the educated men of the nation, the expounders of the law of God, and the interpreters of the prophets, – these wickedly took counsel together against the Lord and against his Anointed; and in their counsels among themselves they acknowledged the superiority of the victim of their hate and expressed the real animus of it – their envy of his rising fame and influence among the people, which tended to their own speedy displacement.
Second, there were those cringing, hireling menials, too basely selfish to spurn a bribe, or to appreciate a principle, and who are ever willing to sacrifice principle for a trifle of present advantage or gratification. Of this class was Judas, who sold the Lord for thirty pieces of silver, and also all of that infuriated mob which, incited by the priests, cried 'Away with him! Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar! His blood be upon us and upon our children!' Judas loved the money, and these loved the approval of the priests and rulers, and wanted to be on the popular side. How mean the bribe, how base the crime!
Third, there were those cold-blooded, cruel servants of the Roman state who, presuming to have no responsibility in the matter, cared nothing for the honor of justice or the vindication of right. It was their business to execute the mandates of their superiors, and they must do so at their own peril. Looking to their own interests, therefore, it was their business to drive the nails through the quivering flesh and to plant the thorny crown upon the victim's head. It was an awful business, but they were schooled to it, so that the groans of anguish failed to reach their hearts. So, regarding the horrid transaction in the light of business, they thought only of their booty, and, with frigid indifference, sat down and watched the agony of the Lord, while they cast lots upon his vesture. And some even endeavored to add to the sufferings by cruel taunts and fiendish exultation.
How strange it seems that humanity, originally in the likeness of God, can sink so low! and yet it is all too true. The depth of depravity to which an intelligent being can sink can be measured only by the height of the original perfection and glory. Satan fell from a great height to a corresponding depth, and so likewise man falls to the very depths of iniquity, unless he repent and be converted from the error of his way, and voluntarily submit to the healing influences of divine grace. Sin, with accelerating speed, ever tends downward to more and more vile conditions, until it ends in the shipwreck of everything that is noble and pure; and 'sin when it is finished bringeth forth death.'
As we look at the various manifestations of wickedness on the part of those who crucified the Lord, it is a sad comment upon human depravity to notice that the very same elements have been in the world ever since; and alas! are present still. And the special victims of their hate have been, and still are, the meek of the earth, who have taken up their cross to follow in the footprints of the crucified One – the body of Christ which fills up the measure of his sufferings. (Col. 1:24)" R-1963

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The center of the teachings of the Law and its types and testimonies is the purpose of God to reconcile man with God.
The book of Ruth has the only account in the whole Bible of the practical application of the law of Levirate (Deut 25:5).
In this particular application of God's law, we can see typical figures and ordinances pointing to important outlines of God's plan.
The story of Ruth, and especially the circumstances of her uniting with Boaz, are a picture of the redemption of the Church class from the Adamic curse and the curse of the Law, and its exaltation to the divine nature.
Here are the typical characters directly included in God's depiction:
Elimelech and his sons ... Adam and his race
Naomi ................................ Eve
Near kinsman ................... Mosaic Law
The field ............................ World
Boaz .................................. Christ
Ruth .................................. The Church
The near kinsman was ready to buy the parcel of land, but because the transaction was conected to Ruth, he decided not to buy it. When, therefore, this the most close relative relinquished the privilege, Boaz acquired legally the property of dead husbands and, moreover, became the husband of Ruth.
Likewise, the Law given to Israel promised eternal life to those who would fulfill its requirements, but promised no one to be exalted to the Divine nature.
From this standpoint, we see our Lord who redeemed Adam and his descendants from the death sentence, shed light on eternal life for all men, and also immortality for the Church class (Ruth) – 2 Tim 1:10.
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"For what the law could not do,
in that it was weak through the flesh, God,
sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,
condemned sin in the flesh."
Roman 8: 3
In assessing this central thought, we more and more respect our God as the Author of such a wonderful Plan of Salvation. We also worship the Master more and more as the Captain of our faith who will be its Finisher in the future (Heb 12: 2).

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Revelation 2:17
"At God's command, some of the manna falling from heaven was placed in a golden bucket and, with the tablets of the law, hidden under the golden mercy seat in the ark of the covenant. It is a figurative illustration of immortality that the Lord had prepared for the Church of the firstborn and sent him this message: 'To him who will conquer I will make me eat of hidden manna.' (Rev 2:17) This perishable manna, hidden in a golden bucket, represents the grace of God shown to the Church of the firstborn. It teaches us what elsewhere in the Scriptures clearly say that' the little herd 'will enjoy a life unadulterated, immortal'". R-4012

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"This is the bread which the Lord gave you to eat" (Ex 16:15). By collecting the semolina seeds falling from heaven, grinding them, making bread, etc., the Israelites could constantly remind themselves of God's providential care over them. There is a lesson for the spiritual Israelites in connection with this manna. It is called in the Bible the 'bread of angels', 'bread of the mighty' and 'bread from heaven' (Ps 78:25). It was food provided by divine providence. Our Lord Jesus said that He was the antitype of that bread – that this bread represented the life-giving qualities that He possessed and offered for us, that dying mankind might enjoy His death and receive the right to eternal life." R-4011

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"We thank God that his Word teaches about the age to come, in which the Messiah will bless with precious opportunities those who at this time have neither a hearing ear nor a sympathetic heart. We thank God for the promises of His Word that in the coming Millennium the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf they will be opened. The Scripture will then be fulfilled that Jesus is the true Light, which must finally enlighten everyone who comes into the world (Jn 1:9)." R- 5279
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Exodus 17
"Two months after the Passover deliverance, the Israelites arrived at Mt. Sinai, but on their way they had two valuable lessons respecting God's Grace and Power. When they reached the Valley Rephidim, they were thirsty and found no water. Here Moses, in the name of the Lord, smote the rock with his rod, and from it gushed water, abundantly refreshing Israel at this time, and as a rivulet following them through much of their subsequent journey.
The apostle Paul, by inspiration, points out to us that that rock represented Christ, that the smiting of the rock represented the putting of Christ to a shameful death, but that only by this means is the Water of Life provided for those who desire to be the people of God. As the waters of that rock followed the Israelites, so the stream of God's favor, through the sacrifice of Christ, refreshes Christ's disciples throughout their wilderness journey." (R-5285)

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Joshua 20
"The cities of refuge were appointed in Israel for the protection against summary punishment of any who might accidentally take human life, but not for any wilful murderer. There were six of these cities in central localities, to any one of which the manslayer might fly and there find protection until his case could be legally tried. These cities did not shelter the wilful murderer; but the authorities, after a fair trial, delivered such up to the just penalty of their crime, which was death. (Deut 19:11-13; Num 35:30-34).
If the killing proved to be accidental the man-slayer must still remain in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest then in office. This restraint upon his liberty was the penalty for his carelessness, and thus an additional protection to human life.
This feature of the typical Mosaic Law strongly foreshadowed the refuge which the sinner may find in Christ. He is our shield and hiding-place from the penalty of all sin, save that which is wilful. He is no shelter for obstinate, unrepentant sinners; but for every one born in sin and shapen in iniquity – and thus sinners by the accident of birth or heritage, yet earnestly desirous of escaping from sin and its just consequences, and seeking refuge in him by faith – there is protection.
We are all under sentence of death; Justice is the avenger; and only those in Christ are shielded.
But, mark you, the sinner must continue to abide in this city of refuge as long as the high priest liveth – i.e., as long as Christ continues in the priestly office, which will be until he is able to present all the redeemed who abide in him under the New Covenant conditions faultless before the throne of God, at the end of his Millennial reign as King and Priest. Then, being made actually perfect by the great Redeemer-Physician, they will be able to stand, not in the imputed or reckoned righteousness of another, but in their own glorious perfection, yet never forgetful of the great atoning sacrifice, and the patient work of restitution which made possible such a glorious consummation.
Like the cities of refuge, Christ is easy of access to all who diligently seek him, and who have no will in opposition to righteousness, nor to any of his measures of just and righteous discipline." (R-4079)
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Added by: Andrzej
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