"Biblical Comments" on John 1:11:
Come unto his own ... His own people: "The lost sheep of the house of Israel "(Mt 10:6).
"You only have I known" (Amos 3:2).
Not merely to the true Israelites, but to the entire mass
And his own ............... As a people, as a nation
Receive him not not ...Typified by Moses' experiences when he left the court of Pharaoh's in the interests of his brethren
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Here are the words of Stephen: "This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? him hath God sent [to be] both a ruler and a deliverer with the hand of the angel that appeared to him in the bush." (Acts 7:35)

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In the fortieth year of traveling in the wilderness, Moses repeated God's Law to all Israel. Israel's forty-year period of punishment for its unbelief in the accounts of Joshua and Caleb had now come to an end.
Moses knew he and Aaron would not enter the promised land. Aaron had died about six months earlier (Num 20:23-29); now it was his turn.
Moses assured Israel that God, as promised at Sinai forty years ago, would raise up a deliverer in his place, greater than himself. It was supposed to be the Messiah.
Jesus, who came to the Jewish people, revealed himself as a sin offering. He was therefore the Deliverer, in Hebrew: Goel, of the greatest bondage that man has found himself in since the dawn of his existence. It is the bondage of sin and death in the kingdom of darkness of the prince of this world – Satan. Egyptian bondage was just an illustration of it. 1604 years passed from the time of Moses' death to the appearance of the Lord Jesus at the Jordan.
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From the time of Moses' statement, in Israel has been expected ariving of Messiah who, as God's mouthpiece, was to explain everything to the Jews (Jn 4:25,26; 1:45; 12:47-50).
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2 Samuel 15
King David was betrayed by his closest adviser, Ahithophel, who sided with the rebellious king's son, Absalom (2 Sam 15:12). Many of his supporters had joined the rebellion, which was one of David's very painful experiences. However, he was most affected by the betrayal of his closest and trusted associate who, with wisdom, could harm him more than anyone else. (2 Sam 16:23). God, however, thwarted his treacherous intentions. Ahithophel, seeing that his plan to destroy David had been thwarted, committed suicide by hanging himself in his own house.
"While they were at supper Jesus, appearing very sorrowful, gave as an explanation that it would be one of His own chosen twelve that would betray Him and thus become accessory to His death – one of those who dipped with Him in the dish, partaking of the same supper, the same bread, the same roasted lamb. Then He pointed out that although this was all written (Ps 41:9), and thus no alteration would be made in respect to the Divine Plan, nevertheless it signified a very gross breach of friendship – one sad to contemplate. It really made no difference to the Lord, so far as His intention and His consecration were concerned, whether He were apprehended by the rulers without any betrayal, or whether betrayed by a comparative stranger or by a disciple. The fact would make no change in the Divine arrangement; but it was a cause of great sorrow to the Lord that the traitor should be one who had been a bosom friend and disciple." R-4906
The end of Judas, like that of Ahithophel, was tragic – regrettable. Any suicide man testifies by his deed that he wished he were never born (Mt 26:14).

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"While Judas lived prior to Pentecost, we are to remember that he was one of the twelve upon whom Jesus had specially conferred a measure of His spirit – such a measure as enabled him, with the others, to perform miracles of healing, casting out devils, etc., in the name of the Lord, as His representative, using His power. The position of Judas, therefore, was one of special closeness to the Lord and to His personal instruction, both by precept and example. (...) All this privilege, opportunity, knowledge, contact, made Judas specially responsible. But his crime would have been inexcusable had it been against any ordinary person, and it was seriously intensified by being a crime against Him who spake and acted as never man spake or acted before. From this standpoint our Lord's declaration that Judas was the 'son of perdition' seems to have special import or weight, as implying that Judas had enjoyed a sufficiency of light and knowledge of righteousness to constitute a trial, and that his deliberate sin against such light and knowledge meant the Second Death." R-4906
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The first blood sacrifice, shown in the Scriptures, is that of Abel. It was accepted by God because it flowed from the best of Abel's feelings. This sacrifice represents the bloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ, given as a corresponding price (Greek: antilutron) for Adam's life, and in it for all mankind. The death of Abel, the first martyr, is also full of meaning. It presents the Lord and all those who, like their matchless Guide, suffer and give their lives. Abel was killed at the hand of his brother, Cain, overcome with jealousy. Our Lord was also killed by his Jewish brothers, to whom He came with the word of salvation. This eternal struggle was foreseen by an all-knowing God. God's Word, spoken to Satan after Adam's sin, reveals to us the mystery of this continual criminal activity. It is the battle between the bad seed and the good seed (1 Jn 3:12; Jude 11; Jn 8:14). The end of this eternal struggle will be the destruction of Satan (bruising the serpent's head), although he was allowed to bruise his heel, that is, to take the life of the earthly class of the spiritual seed – Christ.
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The apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians (10:16,17), shows the additional significance of the Memorial of our Lord's death – the participation of the Church in suffering and death with Christ. This idea is confirmed by the sin offerings offered on the Atonement Day: the bullock [calf – Heb., young bullock] and Lord’s goat. The bullock represents the Lord Jesus, and the goat represents the Church. The apostle Paul, referring to these sacrifices in the letter to the Jews (9:12), explains that Christ did not enter the Most Holy through the blood of bulls and goats, as the high priest did once a year, but entered heaven itself through his own blood, given for the eternal redemption of the Church and the world. Jesus Christ, as High Priest, offered Himself and then, throughout the Gospel Age, He offers the members of his Body. Only in him is the Church accepted by the Father.
There is a slightly different lesson in Leviticus 8:14. Aaron and his sons, representing Christ, Head and Body, placed their hands on the head of the calf, which was the only sin-offering. The calf and the way it is sacrificed represent the humanity of Jesus Christ and His followers, being delivered to suffer the shame and sacrificial death (Lev 8:14-17). C.P.-40
The Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, is contained in Lev. 8:14 the term "ton moschon" (calf), which will be used in the compilation below in the first case.
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"As Aaron had the holy oil poured upon his head, so our Head, the Lord Jesus, was anointed with the antitypical oil – the holy Spirit – when he was thirty years of age, on the banks of Jordan, at the time of his consecration. There he was 'anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows' – as Head over all his joint-heirs. A measure of the spirit is given to every member who thus consecrates; but Jehovah gave 'not the Spirit by measure unto him.' (Jn 3:34) (... ) The anointing oil was poured only upon the head. The under-priests were not anointed individually. They were recognized as members of the High Priest's body, and received their anointing only in him as their head.the anointing oil was poured only on the head. The subpriests were not anointed individually. They were considered members of the high priest's body and received their anointing only in him, as their head' (...) 'We thus see that Aaron, robed and anointed, represented the entire Christ – the complete Seed of Abraham, in which God is about to bless all the families of the earth." C.P.-35,36
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"Each offered child of God, begotten of the Holy Spirit is a living stone, preparing to take a place in the glorious temple of God that will soon be built. These living stones are God's work. God works in them through the spirit of truth, and by His providence shapes, polishes them, develops their character – and thus preparing them for the future building. God recognizes the freedom and free will of His people, works in them only to the extent that they allow themselves to be transformed in accordance with their prayers, so that they will be filled with His spirit." B.N.E. IX-32
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"Know ye not that ye are a temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Let us therefore go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach."
Hebrews 13:13
With these words, the apostle Paul encouraged the brothers to follow in the Lord's footsteps. He saw clearly in God's law the way of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
On the Atonement Day, there were two sin offerings, a bullock and the Lord's goat. Their blood was brought before the mercy seat to the Most Holy, whereas fat and entrails were offered in the Court and the remains burned outside the camp of Israel.
God's instruction on the Day of Atonement was given to Israelites in the spring of 1614, that is, a year after delivering them from Egyptian captivity.
Our Lord completed the figure of offering a calf as He consecrated himself in Jordan on the Jewish Atonement Day in the fall of 29 A.D. This offering was completed on Passover 33 A.D.
Thus began the antitypical Atonement Day sacrifice which was to last throughout the Gospel Age.
The Lord's goat shared the fate of a calf in every detail.
The chronological orientation so far shows that the Church class, faithfully following Jesus' footsteps, will complete their earthly pilgrimage on the Passover day of 1981.
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The instruction regarding the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood was given to Moses a year earlier than the instruction for the Atonement Day. So it was 1615 B.C.
When the priests were consecrated, a calf was offered – a sin offering. Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the calf and made it as if they were saying: This sacrifice represents us. Everything that happened from then on with the offered calf was to occur with humanity of the antitypical priests – Christ, Head and Body. The best elements of this sacrificial animal were burned on the brazen altar, and the rest of its flesh was burned outside the camp, as was the case with the bullock and the goat on the Atonement Day.

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Note on 3,594 years: The instruction on the Atonement Day was given by the Lord to Moses when the Tabernacle was already erected, before the Israelites left Mount Sinai. It was one year after Israel left the land of Egypt (Ex 40:17; Lev 1:1; Num 1:1; 10:11). See "Biblical Chronology" pp. 157,158 (1974 edition)
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Throughout the Gospel Age the collective Christ was have been completing – and the tribulations of the individual members of this Anointed One was filling up. When we consecrated ourselves and were accepted as members of His Body, then we lost our belonging to mankind, and, being begotten of the Holy Spirit, we were recognized as a New Creature in Christ Jesus – as "the body of Christ and members in particular" (1 Cor 12:27).
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Added by: Andrzej