Here are excerpts from the foreword of Charles T. Russell to the Second Volume of Studies in the Scriptures:
"This Volume sets forth, what its author has been preaching for over forty years, that the 'Times of the Gentiles' chronologically ended in the fall of A.D. 1914. (...)
The author acknowledges that in this book he presents the thought that the Lord's saints might expect to be with Him in glory at the ending of the Gentile Times. This was a natural mistake to fall into, but the Lord overruled it for the blessing of His people. The thought that the Church would all be gathered to glory before October, 1914, certainly did have a very stimulating and sanctifying effect upon thousands, all of whom accordingly can praise the Lord – even for the mistake. (...)
Our mistake was evidently not in respect to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles; we drew a false conclusion, however, not authorized by the Word of the Lord."
It can be seen from the above that, as was the case with the Miller movement, the movement of brothers who began in 1874, knowing the purpose, manner and time of the Lord's presence, was wrong about the timing of the taking into the glory of the last members of the Church. Elijah's 40-day journey to the mountain of God Horeb tells us the history of God's people during the forty years before the end of the Times of the Gentile.
In the parable of the ten virgins, our Lord foretold that the first coming of virgins to meet the Bridegroom will end with disappointment. The virgins were still waiting, but the Bridegroom's delaying had wearied them so much that at last they were overwhelmed by sleep and they all fell asleep. This shows that the mood of expectation of God's people did not die out immediately after the disappointment of 1914.

A series of further dates were issued which, however, fell short of expectations. When the last date, 1954, also failed, a chronic discouragement was developed among believers in the High Calling to set forward dates. The parable describes such a state as the falling asleep of the all virgins.
We learn about the resulting situation from the resolutions of the General Convention in Chicago in 1955.
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The cry "Behold, the bridegroom" in our Lord's parable rang out in 1967, and its content awoke all the "virgins" dormant on the subject of chronology. Behold, the date of year 1980 appeared in the range sight of faith, as the clearly understood time when Christ will unite with the Church.
Further parallels with Abraham's life (next to the previously known) and other parallels showing the end of the Church's pilgrimage became the main basis of the symbolic cry. At the same time with the cry at midnight, significant events took place in the Middle East by which God stimulated the minds of His people to receive the Truth in due season.
The cry mentioned in the parable is continue with the voice of biblical numerology. It confirms and explains many truths of God's Word, pointing to the year, month, day and hour of the Lamb's Wedding.
Awakened virgins keep an eye on the lamps of the prophetic Word of God, and thus can understand the fulfillment of its prophecies in progresing events.
All of this creates a strong foundation for their faith, sustaining their enthusiasm and a constant readiness to be taken to the Lord.
The voice of understood and fulfilled prophecies sounds firm and loud; it heralds the imminent fulfillment of God's mystery – the glorification of the Church and a blessed time of refreshment for groaning mankind (Rom 8:23).

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One of the important chapters of the Divine Plan of the Ages will close forever. This will happen when the last member of the Church is changed. "Then and there the door will be shut and no more will be permitted to enter. Thank God that this does not signify so dreadful a condition as some of the Lord's dear people think. It does not mean the close of the door of hope, and that all outside, the foolish virgins as well as the world, will go down to hopeless despair in the Second Death. It does mean, however, the close of the great and grand opportunity which will never open again – it signifies the completion of the Kingdom class, the Bride class, the close of the narrow way to glory, honor, immortality and joint-heirship with Christ." R-3867
The Prophet Ezekiel dates his prophecy from the time when king Jehoiachin was taken captive to Babylon in 617 B.C. (Ezek 1:1,2; 8:1; 20:1; "Biblical Chronology" 1974-109).
The prophecy about God's Sanctuary was written in the 25th year of captivity, i.e. in 592 B.C.
617 – 25 = 592

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"Let us praise our God for the blessings and mercy shown to us; let us go forward in faith, rejoicing in the light of our lamps and waiting for a wonderful banquet and glorious service with our Bridegroom to bless all the families of the earth.
Whoever has this knowledge will be more and more distant from the world, its spirit, and more and more will be transformed into the image of the Bridegroom from glory to glory."
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At the beginning of the Gospel Age, when the canon of the New Testament books was compiled, the numbering of Hebrew and Greek words was already known. In antiquity, numbering was denoted by the word "isopsephy". It consisted in adding up the number values of the letters of the alphabet that made up someone's first name; this sum was the person's "psephos".
The number 1980 was given in 1967 as the date of Christ's union with the Church. A little later it turned out that the number 1980 is also a numerical value, or "psephos" of the name Jesus Christ. In this way, the date of joining the rest of the Church with the Lord has its seal (guarantee) in the name of Jesus Christ.
The class for Azazel ("scape-goat") represents the "Great Company" class, that is those who have sacrificed themselves and have been accepted but later neglected to strictly fulfill the conditions of their sacrifice. Having lost the opportunity to become members of the body of the High Priest and partakers of His glory of divine nature, they would have lost everything if the Lord had not prepared for them more special trials of tribulation, in order to destroy their bodies so that the spirit would be preserved on the day of the Lord Jesus. Just as goat for Azazel was led out into the wilderness by a man chosen for this task, so also the members of the class, which this goat represents, will go into a state of separation from the world, forced thither by the "man of opportunity" – unfavorable circumstances – there to be buffeted by adversity until they learn the vanity, deceitfulness and utter worthlessness of the world's approval, and until all human hopes and ambitions die, and they are ready to say, God's will, not mine, be done!
These tribulations will not make them fellowship in the body of Christ, the Bride. So they will not be given a place on the throne as Kings and Priests, but a position before the throne as perfect, living forever, spiritual beings. Nevertheless they will not have life in themselves, but will still be dependent upon God's provision of food, etc., for the sustenance of life. Although they will not inherit the crown of life, immortality, nevertheless, through proper training in tribulation, they will attain the condition "like angels". They will serve God in His Temple, although they will not be members of that symbolic Temple which is Christ. C.P.-70
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"These are in a pitiable condition: they have failed to win the prize, therefore cannot have the divine nature; nor can they have restitution to perfect humanity with the world; for, in their consecration, all human rights and privileges were exchanged for spiritual ones and the opportunity to run the race for the divine nature. But though not voluntary overcomers, the Lord loves them, and will deliver those who through fear of death (fear of contempt – fear of the reproach borne by the bullock and goat beyond the "Camp" – in the wilderness, the separated or dead condition) were all their lifetime subject to bondage – bondage of fear of men and men's traditions and opinions, which always bring a snare, and keep back from full obedience to God, even unto death. (Heb 2:15)" T-70

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The virgins who found themselves at a locked door are no longer named as being foolish but other virgins. They certainly came back with the oil. By this time they got wise, and had the light the door was shut. They came expecting them to enter the door to the wedding as well. The door symbolizes participation in the sin offering, and this opportunity will pass (the door will close) with the death of the last members of the Church. There will be an opportunity for the Great Company class to lay down their lives during the time of the great tribulation.
"They were not loyal enough to lay down their lives, but they had loyalty, because they would not deny the precious name and blood, and therefore the Lord would not deny them, and there would be a place for them; they would have an opportunity to come in to the marriage supper and have a share in the rejoicing. Just as in the 45th Psalm it is pictured, the Bride is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework – representing the Church all going into the Father's presence at the end of this age, and then we read in the next verse, 'The virgins, her companions that followed her.' These were the foolish virgins. They are virgins, nevertheless, that follow her. They also shall be brought into the presence of the King. We are glad for them also. There is no selfishness in the love of God. We are glad to see what the Lord has arranged for the Little Flock, the Great Company, and the Ancient Worthies, and for all the world of mankind – for all who desire to be in harmony with Him when they come to a knowledge of the truth." Q-297

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"Biblical Comments" on Rev 16:17:
It is done! ... It has been done. We are now convinced of the truths which have been
proclaimed throughout the harvest time by the overcomers.
God's plan for choosing a bride for Christ goes back a long time. In the words of the Apostle Paul, the Church was predicted "before the foundation of the world", "before the world began" (Eph 1:4; 2 Tim 1:9).
This joyful and highly recommending fact for the Church is shown in the pictorial story of Abraham.
Just as Abraham sent his servant, Eliezer, to choose a bride for Isaac, likewise, according to the Scriptures, the Heavenly Father sends out holy spirit to choose those who are to be Christ's bride. "No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him."
The story of choosing a wife for Isaac is beautiful and aptly portrays the choice of the Church. The chosen virgin turned out to be hospitable and polite in that she offered herself willingly to draw water for Eliezer's camels. This activity not only emphasized her physical strength, but above all the virtues of her heart. As soon as Abraham's servant was satisfied of God's direction in the matter, he rewarded Rebecca's goodness with gifts and made a marriage proposal to her and her family. Rebecca agreed to marry Isaac and went on a long journey.

Rebecca's journey not only portrays our own life experiences as we travel under the guidance of holy spirit and look ahead to the time of our encounter with the Bridegroom, but also the experience of the entire Church over the past nineteen centuries. All this time the Church continued to move forward hoping to meet her Bridegroom and share the wedding feast with all the joys and blessings that will follow when we are united to our Lord and Heavenly Bridegroom forever.
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As Isaac went out to meet his bride, so Christ will meet his Church at the end of the journey.
"The account tells us that when Rebecca recognized Isaac she put on a vail and alighted from the camel. Applying this to the antitype we see that at the end of our journey the Church shall pass beyond the vail and shall part with the accessories of the present journey, and be thenceforth under the direct guidance and blessing and in the presence of the heavenly Bridegroom. What joys, what blessings, what glories are implied in this!" R-3952

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"The selection of this company, as individuals, has been in process during the entire Gospel age now closing, though as a class they were foreknown from the foundation of the world. (Eph 1:4.) That is, God predetermined to exalt to this kingdom honor and restitution work a certain class, each of whom should meet certain predetermined conditions; and the Gospel age of nearly two thousand years was appointed as the time for developing, testing and selecting the individuals who should compose that class. The election of these individuals is not arbitrary, but according to fitness; the qualifications being, first, justification by faith in Christ; then meekness and devotedness to God's service, at the cost of self-sacrifice." R-1092
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"The opportunity to become members of the New Creature and share in its opportunities, privileges, blessings and glories was not open to mankind at all, but only to the 'called' class (...)
The exclusiveness of this call is emphasized in words 1 Cor 1:9, which declares the author of our calling; saying, 'God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.' This implies an association, oneness; and, hence, the thought is that the call is with a view to finding from amongst men some who shall become one with the Redeemer as New Creatures; joint-heirs with him of the glory, honor, and immortality accorded him as a reward of his faithfulness." F-85,87
Let us then endeavor to "make our calling and election sure" to become the Bride, Royal Priesthood class, members of the body of the great Prophet, King and Priest in glory!
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"We have boasted in the truth, and shall continue to boast of it – that no human philosophies can hold a candle to its brilliant electric ray; but we have never boasted of being its originator. On the contrary, it is because we did not manufacture it, but because God has revealed it "in due time" as "meat in due season," and because it is so much more wonderful than we or any other human being could originate or concoct, that we have confidence that none other than God is its Author and its Revealer." R-3595
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"The possession which Christ purchased by the sacrifice for sins as man's substitute includes mankind in general or so many as will accept the favor on the gospel conditions, as well as the Church, the Bride. The time for the deliverance is in the Millennial Kingdom and the Church is to be delivered first – 'early in the morning.' But the earth was part of man's original estate and was purchased by the same sacrifice once for all: hence it too is to be delivered from its share of the curse and shall become as the garden of the Lord – Paradise. The purchase is accomplished but the deliverance waits for God's 'due time'.' E-436
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Understanding new things, that is truth progressing in time, always enables us to deepen our knowledge of old things. This sequence is given in Matthew 13:52 and such a regularity can be seen in the present privileges of God's people. First, the key of biblical numerology opened the understanding of future dates and the visions of Revelation, awakening the enthusiasm and energy to study the Word of God, and then it was used to recall and confirm truths already known. On the one hand old truths are tested by the new truth, on the other the ability to accept and love all of God's teaching is the measure of exercised and developed spiritual senses.
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Added by: Andrzej