
"Bible Chronology" (published in April, 1974). Part III – Bible Numerology Lesson 144     "AND SWORE..." "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" Dan. 12:6     Lesson 145     Lesson 146     Lesson 147     Lesson 148     Lesson 149         Two examples mentioned above relate to the epiphany of the presence of our Lord. Lesson 150     Lesson 151     Lesson 152 The Sacrifice of the Christ, Head and Body, is God's mystery. This is one offering presented by God in the bullock, which was the sole sacrifice for sin offered during consecrating the priests. "'And Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head’ of it, thus saying, this sacrifice represents us. From that moment, all that happened to the bullock, represented what was to be done to Jesus and to his Body, the Church, as human beings." ("Tabernacle Shadows," page 41)       Lesson 153 "A little book opened" helps to understand "the mystery of God:"       The "God's mystery" relating to the Church is going to fulfill in the time exactly defined by God because the Angel who affirmed this so solemnly is:     ...more


"Bible Chronology" (published in April, 1974). Part III – Bible Numerology Lesson 137A   "Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward." Deut. 2:3     The cited God's command was given to Moses near the end of the forty years of the wandering of Israelites on the desert. These words enlivened greatly the chosen nation, as the time of their entering to the land promised them by God approached. Their whole journey, from leaving Egypt till the encampment on the Moab fields – the last stop before entering the Canaan land, represents the earthly pilgrimage of the Church, ending with entering to Heavenly Canaan. This is the numerical value of the first letters of all localities, from Rameses to the lowlands of Moab, according to their names given in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament in Num. 33:5-49:         The number "3596" represents the quantity of years, since leaving Egypt by Israelites (1615 B.C.), till the end of the earthly course of the Church (spring 1981 A.D.).     1615  +  1981  =  3596       Lesson 137B   "TURN YOU NORTHWARD"   "God told these words to Moses when the generation that went out from Egypt already extincted. Also long, lasting forty years punishment already ended, during which Israel spent the time on the wilderness ...more


"Bible Chronology" (published in April, 1974). Part III – Bible Numerology   Lesson 122       The words above mentioned are the content of the proclamation, which will utter Great Company and after it the whole mankind, when the judgement already will be done over Babylon. (verses 1-5; Questions, page 291). To the numerical calculation was used Greek text (according to Nestle). Farther words, "for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints," do not belong to the content of the voice. Diaglott treats them as the parenthetical insertion. It is similarly in the English translation R.S.V. (Revised Standard Version). The number "1948" represents the quantity of years, since the spring 33 (32,25), during which the Church prepares to the Wedding of the Lamb (1980,25).   32,25  +  1948  =  1980,25   Lesson 123   One of the books of Scripture is titled "The Song of Songs." The content of this whole book is the love of the Bridegroom to the Bride. Here is the numerical value of first verse, which begins the content of this "Book of Love":     "It is the song of the Lamb..."     Lesson 124     Lesson 125 The numerical value of the following words is full of the meaning:     The number "2948" shows the quantity of years, from Resurrection our Lord in spring of ...more


How prophecies of the 1974 have been fulfilled? – today's comment     The birth, development, final elevation and fall of Antichrist   At first Christian churches, even when Apostles lived yet, appeared the tendencies among the God's people, to swagger, to receive honour from one another and tyrannize over those who were allotted to their care. Apostles were counteracting these tendencies, but after their death, more and more quick the going away from Jesus primitive principles started. Only few among disciples of Christ made up their minds to wait for his second arrival faithfully. Majority of the Christ believers decided to use the strength of the Gospel to the acquiring of wealth, power and influences. The rulers of the Roman empire accepted the new religion in the place of paganism and in the after-effect of this they invited persecuted so far Christians to their palaces. Christ usual brothers, the oblivious his warning not to call any man on earth "father" (Matt. 23:9), they began quickly to become transformed in the fathers, reverend ones, the Right Reverend ones and the Right Reverend bishop ones. Gradual emerging at communities of Christian congregations the dividing into clergy and laymen was favourable to the arising in the church ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment From the very beginning the Bible Students movement at the USA (1874-1916) had the prophetic character. It always rigorously abided by the principle to teach only things about which Bible says. The comments relating to types, the figures of Mosaic Law, prophecies and lessons of the Old and New Testament had the exact reference to the concrete verses of the Scripture. The teachings about "the times of restoration of all things" (Acts 3:21), owing to such faithfulness to the Word of God, they achieved huge credibility and circulation in the whole world. The emission of millions of the copies of the volumes of Studies in the Scripture is the sufficient evidence of this. It was understood that the typical feature of the Mosaic Law, known as the Jubilee, was intended to foreshadow the great Restitution that is the recovery of mankind from the fall. Chronologically it began in 1874, and it will be executing throughout the Millennial age. Israel's Jubilee Year, in its character, it was an illustration of the coming Restitution. The joyful time of The jubilee announced the loud sound of the trumpet. This blowing the ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment The chapter ten of the Revelation describes the special mission, which John received to the realization. He was the passive observer of successive visions so far. Now, he saw an Angel who placed his right foot on the sea and the left foot on the land, and who held in his hand a little scroll (small book). He handed this book over to John, told him to eat it, and commanded: "Once again you must utter prophecies..." (10:11).         In the third volume Study in the Scriptures there is commentary to the parable of the Ten Virgins. The parable was explained as follows: The first movement of the virgins, who went out to meet bridegroom corresponds to one which began with the "Miller movement" (1829-1844). This movement ended in 1844 with the bitter disappointment. In result of this "all [virgins] slumbered and slept." This deep slumbering, which have been caused by the lack of the understanding of the time, has interrupted the cry at the midnight announcing the second presence of our Lord (1874). All virgins woke up, and wise virgins out of them went out to meet bridegroom ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment Students of the Bible at United States announced received by faith the fact of the second presence of Christ since 1874 and expiry of so-called Times of the Gentiles (1914). These two matters are mutually closely connected. Zedekiah turned out to be the last king who sat down on the "throne of Jehovah" (1 Chron. 29:23). Prophet Ezekiel announced the king's dethronization and the fall typical kingdom of God, and declared to expect on the legitimate claimant to the crown that is the Jesus Christ (21:26, 27). From Divine Plan of the Ages it results, that this period of the interregnum had to last more than two and a half millenium. At that time it was permitted to the Pagan rulers to administer the matters of the world according to their own fancy. That is why the Lord Jesus named that entire period the Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24). Our Lord, from the very beginning of his invisible presence (1874), until expiration of the Pagans power (1914), he did not violate the laws of kings, aristocracy and clergy. Nevertheless, all the meantime of the forty years, ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment   The seventh seal has been broken   The leader of prophetic movement of years 1879-1916 at the USA, the author of the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures, Charles Taze Russell, long ago said: "There are certain things in Revelation which I do not understand, and for this reason I do not write the Seventh Volume" (Q643:3; 1916 A.D.). He said also, that the seventh volume would not be for the development of the Church; that the preceding six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures contain the necessary spiritual food for that purpose. Asked why, then, it would be written, he replied, "It will probably be given to the Church in a time of direst need, for her comfort and encouragement." (the book "The Finished mystery", page 7; 1917 A.D.). Until the Divine time came on this and come to pass the events on which suitable visions would be to point, the secrets of the Revelation Book could not be understood. From the time of expiry of so-called Times of the Pagans (1914) took place many remarkable events. The two world wars shook the mankind, exploded many various revolutions, ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment The flood, annihilation Sodom and Gomorrah, the fall of ancient Babylon are biblical pictures of the destruction of the old world. It has been a part of God's great plan to permit evil to reign for 6,000 years. A splendid era for the world has began from the dawn of seventh "day", Millenium. Great adversary of God, Satan, will be bound, his kingdom overthrown and replaced with the kingdom, which our first parents lost because of sin. All these things which Satan built from the entry of the sin to the world, that is all the systems supporting his rule, unjust and despotic, they have to be removed from the earth. Jesus Christ, since the very beginning of his second invisible presence (gr. parousia), has been making the work of overthrowing these systems. Presence of our Lord (gr. parousia) was noticed for hundred years only through the consecrated believers. The year 1980/81 is the time, in which this presence reached already the critical phase – manifestation (gr. epiphaneia). The world events have been abruptly accelerating since this year. There is such system, which since a dozen or so ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment The understanding of the object, the manner and the time of our Lord return pictured promised God's Kingdom on earth in realistic shape. The first presence of the Jesus Christ recognized only the "Israelites indeed". Owing to what? Owing to the certain peculiar signs that is several prophetic statements of the Scriptures foretelling Messiah. The disciples have associated these prophecies with Jesus person of Nazareth. Our Lord could then be seen the corporeal sight, because he was the man, of human nature. He has left heavenly glory, spiritual nature, has become the man, "hath been made a little lower than the angels" (Hebr. 2:9). Why? To become the Ransom for Adam and his descendants our Lord had to die as the man, not the angel (1 Tim. 2:5,6). Giver of the ransom for man had to be of the same nature. Briefly before finishing his mission, the Lord told Apostles that the world will not see him anymore (John 14:19). What does it mean? The Father of our Lord, exalted his Son to the divine, immortal nature, above all remaining creatures in the universe, in prize for his ...more


How the prophecies of the 1974 year have been fulfilled? – today's comment Lessons from Biblical Chronology (1974) quoted below relate to the Law of Moses. The mathematical relationships of the numerical values of the names of equipment and ceremonies of the Law have delivered additional proofs on this, that the expectation prophetic relating to the year 1980/81 and 1984 will be fulfil unfailingly. It was expected, that these years would bring decided breakthrough, ending era of the spirit of the Gospel Age and beginning the blessings of God's Kingdom on the earth. When these years came, seemingly no important events (conspicuous and of huge scale) have been occurred. It turned out, however, that victory of the Solidarity Movement at Poland brought about so-called "snowball efect". From an initial state of small significance (seemingly) the events are gaining more and more momentum, and are running right now with the terrific speed to the precipice. Year 1980/81 is the beginning of blowing the trumpet seventh angel: The kingdom of the world is become [the kingdom] of out Lord, and of his Christ: (...) And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came..." (Rev. 11:15, 18). The communistic governments, which paralysed world with ...more


"Bible Chronology" (published in April, 1974). Part III - Bible Numerology     THE INTRODUCTION     Every phone of the Hebrew and Greek alphabet has the numerical value: a = 1, b = 2, g = 3, d = 4 etc. (See the enclosed Hebrew and Greek alphabet with passed numerical values). Adding together the numerical value of phones (letters) in the word we receive the numerical value of the word. Brother John Edgar, in article titled "Abraham’s Life History. An Allegory of the Divine Plan of the Ages" quotes from 'Hastings' Bible Dictionary, regarding the number of Abraham’s servants, as follows: "The number 318 is the equivalent of Eliezer, if the numerical values of the different letters of this name are added together: 1 + 30 + 10 + 70 + 7 + 200 = 318. It would be a strange coincidence if the number of Abraham’s ‘trained servants’ stood in such a relation to ‘Eliezer,’ the only name known to us of a trained servant of Abraham [Gen. 14:14]." (Look booklet "FAITH’S FOUNDATIONS," page 73). Some letters of the Latin alphabet have the numerical value. In the Seventh Volume there is the comment to Rev. 13:18. There are passed the numerical values of letters on ...more

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