Abraham's seed is chosen – the time of God's Kingdom came
Our first parents, who transgressed the Divine law, brought the death sentence upon themselves, "dying you will die" (Gen. 2:17; heb. mot tamut). By heredity this sentence passed upon their whole offspring: "In Adam all die..." (1 Cor. 15:22). Since more than six thousands years “the whole creation [of God] has been groaning in travail together until now.”
It will be so forever? No! The whole world of the human beings, still being tormented with various effects of sin, believes in God instinctively and waits of deliverance subconsciously. They are waiting "with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God." (Rome. 8:22, 19). Who are these sons? They are a promised seed of Abraham, which is to bless all the families of the earth. (Acts 3:25.) They are the Church of the first-born, who are enrolled in heaven. (Heb. 12: 23.) They are the class of individuals (144 000), who were selected from among all the mankind.
The choice of this class lasted almost two thousands years and has been finished already. The great tribulation, anarchy spreading all over the world there is biblical proof of this fact. This tribulation ...more

The Mission of the Seventh Angel
(9) And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls, who were laden with the seven last plagues;
The seven angels … The angels of this vision can not represent of spiritual beings or inanimate factors of God's anger like the gales, quakes of earth and other natural disasters, bearing in mind the fact that one of those angels explains to John the judgment on the great harlot mounted on a scarlet beast (Rev. 17), whereas the second angel, shown in here, maybe the same, is showing to him a glory of the Lamb's wife.
The seven angels with the seven bowls represent the entire message of Present Truth being unfolded in two stages during the second presence of Christ. Seven signifies completeness. Those angels' mission was articulated in seven volumes of Studies in the Scriptures. During first stage of the prophetic movement, in the USA, with Taze Charles Russell in the lead (1874-1914), completeness of seven was not reached. The first six volumes was issued then. The key to understanding of the Revelation was not given by the Lord yet. The opening by the Lamb of seventh seal (1967) initiated the ...more

Heaven, earth and sea in the symbolic language of Bible
John, in the revelation given to him by our Lord on the Isle of Patmos, was in vision carried down through this Christian Age and its changing scenes of church and state, to the end of this present evil world or epoch, and there in prophetic visions he saw Satan bound, Christ reigning, and the new heaven and the new earth established; for the former heaven and earth were passed away.
The plan of God, with reference to man, spans three great periods of time, beginning with man's creation and reaching into the illimitable future. Peter and Paul designate these periods "three worlds."
The first epoch, from creation to the flood, was under the ministration of angels, and is called by Peter "the world that was." (2 Pet. 3:6)
The second great epoch, from the flood to the establishment of the kingdom of God, is under the limited control of Satan, "the prince of this world," and is therefore called "This present evil world." (Gal. 1:4; 2 Pet. 3:7)
The third epoch is to be a "world without end" (Isa. 45:17) under divine administration, the kingdom of God, and is called "The world to ...more

The Final Trial at the End of the Millennium
It will be the final sentence at the close of the final trial – at the close of the Millennium. None will then be servants of Satan ignorantly or unwillingly, as so many now are, because the great Deliverer, Christ, will remove outside temptations, and provide assistance toward self-improvement, which will enable all who will to overcome inherent weaknesses and to attain perfection.
Visibly the goodness and love of God in the provision of a ransom, a restitution, and another opportunity of life for man, instead of leading all the mankind to an abhorrence of sin, will lead some group of people to suppose that God is too loving to cut them off in the second death, or that if he did so he would give them other, and yet other, future opportunities. They, however, shall go no further, for their folly shall be manifest. Their utter destruction will prove to the righteous the harmony and perfect balance of Justice, Wisdom, Love and Power in the Divine Ruler. Such are called the "angels" (servants) of Satan. And for such, as well as for Satan, the utter destruction (the second death) is prepared by ...more

The times of restoration of all things
God Jehovah, our Saviour, would have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:3,4.) The faith in the Ransom of his Son, Jesus Christ, is a basis of the salvation: "He that has the Son has the life." (1 John 5:12.) God's enemy, Satan, had spread over all nations the curtain of darkness and made it for majority of mankind impossible thing to know this truth. (Isa. 25:7.) Few ones, who looked for God and desired to serve to Him at all costs, only they managed to force their way through the such curtain in the Gospel Age. Only such exceptional people, therefore, only Little Flock, has benefited from offer of gaining eternal life in this first stage of the salvation. The second stage of the salvation, happening during the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, will include whole mankind, because Jesus "is the propitiation for our sins [his Church]; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world." (1 John 2:2)
This is God's purpose to guarantee for the all people a clear understanding of the rules of Salvation Plan being based on the sacrifice of ...more

The end of the Gospel Age
The Kingdom of God on the earth is before us, near at hand. Our Lord, Jesus, told to pray: Your kingdom come. Since his words, however, it had passed almost two thousands years already, therefore, generally speaking, world has forgot about this splendid promise. The people of God, however, who did know the Divine plan of the Ages, and faithfully waited, they did not forget. They knew well that there had first to be chosen the spiritual "seed of Abraham," who is to bless all nations of the earth. (Acts 3:25)
The Scripture stated that the church of the firstborn, who are enrolled in heaven, is this promised seed of Abraham. (Hebr. 12:23; Gal. 3:16,29.) Their choice happened in the complete secret before the world, in extremely difficult conditions of the prevailing of the sin, when a rule of Jesus to love even our enemies had seemed very impractical idea, without any advantages. This explains, why the choice of Christ's "little flock", of 144 000 members, it lasted so long. The High Calling to this class was opened in the Pentecost (33) and since then lasted throughout Gospel Age.
Only called and chosen and faithful class ...more

The second presence of Christ
was preceeded by the Day of God's Preparation
The many various prophetic chronological intimations in the Scripture proves unambiguously that the God carries out the work of salvation of the mankind according to his own Plan of the Ages. He placed however times or seasons in the own authority (Acts 1:7), what means that the outlines of this Plan have been sealed, that is kept secret till the due time. The time of establishing the God's Kingdom on the earth was one of great secrets of it. Son of God, Jesus Christ had been appointed to be the ruler of this future kingdom. Nevertheless in the Scripture there was indirect suggestion saying that Christ's millennial reign will take place in the seventh millennium of the history of the mankind.
From the time of Adam's sin until 1874 A.D. elapsed six thousands years. The Bible as well as secular history are proving this calculation unambiguously. And though the Bible contains no direct statement that the seventh thousand will be the epoch of Christ's reign, the great Sabbath Day of restitution to the world, yet the venerable tradition is not without a reasonable foundation. The law given to Israel, the ...more

A understanding of the chapter 17th of Revelation – a key
to the mysteries of the entire Book
Charles Taze Russell, leader of the prophetic movement of Bible Students in USA (1874-1914) wrote six volumes of the Scripture Studies but of seventh did not. Why?
In 1916 he said: "There are certain things in Revelation which I do not understand, and for this reason I do not write the Seventh Volume. Therein I do not wish to give any guesses. Whenever I write the Seventh Volume on the Book of Revelation, I will have a satisfactory understanding of the teachings of that Book." Q645
A few days before death (1916), while asked, "What about the Seventh Volume", he answered: "Someone else can write that." Q646
While asked about opinion of possible fulfilment of prophecies of the seventeenth chapter of the Revelation "he stated that this Chapter was the key to all of the pictures, or prophecies, of Revelation, which are as yet wrapped in mystery." FM263
(1) And there came one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls, and spake with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters; (2) with whom ...more

The Kings that are coming from the sunrising
(12) And the sixth poured out his bowl upon the great river, the [river] Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way might by made ready for the kings that [come] from the sunrising.
The six ... upon the great river Euphrates ... Literal Babylon was built upon the river Euphrates. Its wealth, supplies and sustenance came largely from this source. It had immense walls and strong gates over the river. R509:6.
"The waters which thou sawest are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." (Rev. 17:15) R510:1
The waters of this great river represent the people who, by their influence and money, support Papacy – from which Babylon the Great draws her revenues. R510:1
Dried up ... The turning aside of the "waters" would represent the alienation of the people, and the alienation of the people would be indicated by their withholding of financial support. R4699:4.
The kings ... The kings of Christ's Kingdom, who are also priests – the Body of Christ, the Royal Priesthood. R2498:4
"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32)
Of the east ... From the sunrising. R2498:4
The Kings ...more

The seven angels are pouring out their bowls
The seven angels' vision from chapter 16 began to fulfill in 1977. In that year the powers of Kremlin initiated the extraordinary celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of the October Revolution and they issued the full of pathos the peaceful appeals to the world. That move of the socialist power riveted an attention of world opinion. These appeals have been supported by religions of the world and United Nations. In such a way the prince of this world, Satan executed the unusual thing: he had managed, in attempt of saving his empire from the spectre of anarchy, to connect in peaceable co-operation the world of atheism and the world of the religion.
Thus, in accord to biblical prophecy, came into being an union of symbolic beast (the papacy), dragon (the socialist powers) and image of the beast or false prophet (the federation of Protestant churches), which from then on began its intensive propaganda of the "peace and safety." (Rev. 16:13)
The co-operation of that union lasted for three years and a half, from autumn 1977 to spring 1981. (Rev. 13:5.) Simultaneously to this peaceful propaganda there has developed in Poland the prophetic movement of ...more

A signs in heaven during the Christ’s second presence
"And as Jesus sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us (…) what shall be the sign (gr. seemion) of thy presence (gr. parousia)…?" (Matt. 24:3)
Having in mind the fact that few recognized the Messiah at his first advent, and that they themselves had doubts and fears on the subject for a considerable time, apostles wished to know how they would be sure to recognize him. At the first advent our Lord showed himself, and was attested by signs – by his wonderful words and works, and by John the Baptist. What sign should they expect to indicate his second presence? was their pointed question.
Our Lord's answer assured them that his people would not be left without a suitable and sufficient sign; but of its character he said nothing. "Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven:." It will be sufficient for the faithful, watchful people of God, but is not intended for others. It was this class that saw and understood the signs or proofs of his first advent, while the masses of nominal Israel could not discern the SIGNS of ...more

God's words to Abraham, "In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." (Acts 3:25.) are promise of restitution, which will fulfill Jesus Christ in "the times of restoration of all things" under the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8-13). The mankind is to be blessed by the seed of Abraham, therefore that seed had to be first chosen. Glorious Christ, Head and Body is this seed (Gal. 4:28; Rom. 8:17). It was not the New Covenant under which the Church have been chosen, but the Covenant of Sacrifice: "Gather my saints together unto me, Those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5). This covenant was showed in Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Sarah, according to the teaching of Paul Apostle represents the upper Jerusalem, symbolic city, or the future government of God's Kingdom. The son of the promise Isaac represents Christ, Head and Body in his glorious reign in the time of the Millennium (Gal. 4:26-18).
On the Zion, upper Jerusalem, one of the hills overlooking the town there was the royal palace. On the other hill, Moriah was built the temple. Some difference of altitude between level of literal ...more

The vision of the two beasts
The general light shining from the Christ second presence (gr. parousia) has been exposing every evil and leads kingdom of the prince of this world, Satan, to the fall. This light is lethal for systems of darkness which by ages were his support (2 Thess. 2:8). This light kindles the spirit of the freedom, causes the discontent and it makes, that the nations become like roaring and rolling sea. (Luke 21:5)
How God's enemy, Satan, reacted to the growing continually anarchy, endangering stability of his empire? His defense was based on awakening in the whole Christianity of an active co-operation of secular powers and the churches in the field of propaganda "Peace and Safety." The vision of the Revelation shows these political schemes as emerging the ten-horn beast out of the sea and coming up the two-horn beast out of the earth.
The socialist "sea," of mostly catholic citizens, became a section of his kingdom the most exposed to danger of anarchy. Because of it, from the "sea" Satan led the ten-horned beast out and led it up to the power. A such political direction of close co-operation of socialist powers with the Roman Catholic church accepted ...more

The twelfth chapter of the Revelation is showing in the symbols the circumstances of the end of the Gospel age, that is the end of choice of complete Christ, Head and Body. This choice was pictured as the "man birth." The "birth" was accompanied in the external scene by the political activity of atheistic socialist powers ruling the whole eastern block. The chapter reveals, how Satan manipulated this power in his efforts of thwarting of the Divine plan of the ending of choice of the Church of Christ. In addition the chapter shows the final history of the remainder of the true Church on the earth.
The main part of the work of testimony about second presence of Jesus Christ and given by Him "food in due season" happened in United States in years 1874-1914. Complementary prophesying took place in Poland in years 1977-1981. Here also, on the base of the Scripture's chronological premises was announced the understanding of the fact of the end of heavenly High Calling. Moreover also in Poland, in most great number were represented those students of Bible, who were believing in the fact of still opened door of High Calling, also after the year 1914.
(1) And ...more

(1) And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and one said, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. (2) And the court which is without the temple leave without, and measure it not; for it hath been given unto the nations: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
The reed ... a rod … Origin of reed – aquatic plant; the water – symbol of Truth. Rod – symbol of authority. The measuring-reed symbolizes authority of the God's Word being applied to the matters of the Church at the end of the High Calling. Various biblical pictures, prophecies and parables, understood ultimately and put in chronological order they became the symbolic measuring rod which let to define conditions, the character of the Church and the attitude of her members towards the world in last period of the Gospel Age of three years and a half.
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"If that direction be understood figuratively, as applicable to the Christian Church, the work to be done would be to obtain an exact estimate or measurement of what the true Church was – as distinguished from ...more

Tags: Angel swear. What does it mean?, He opened the seventh seal = 1967, What the little book open is? , Symbolic sea and symbolic earth , Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, You must prophesy once again, When took place the first prophesying?, Revelation
(1) And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, arrayed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire; (2) and he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left upon the earth;
Strong angel coming down out of heaven … The vision of the angel approaching towards the earth is the general illustration of the Jesus Christ activity, when He is becoming involved in the matters of the world because his second presence had began. Our Lord said the world will not see him more, that is why the vision can have the exclusively symbolic character. (John 14:19.) When Son of God faithfully fulfilled his sacrificial mission, Heavenly Father rewarded him with divine immortal nature on such level of the glory, which tops glory of all other creatures in the universe. The small flash of it blinded the apostle Paul immediately and overthrew him to the ground. Therefore full of majesty a picture of our Lord in the vision does not concern to the appearance ...more

The second Woe
(12) The first Woe is past: behold, there come yet two Woes hereafter. (13) And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the horns of the golden altar which is before God, (14) one saying to the sixth angel that had one trumpet, Loose the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates. (15) And the four angels were loosed, that had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, that they should kill the third part of men.
The second Woe represents the farther development of the revolutionary movement as a result of the outbreak of the Second World War. From then on the situation was unfolding in accordance with God's Plan based on sacrifice of Jesus Christ (gold altar). That is why from here the directive to loose of four angels went out.
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"The battleship 'Schlezwig-Holstein,' training ship of Kriegsmarine, arrived to Gdansk on 25 August under the pretext of a courtesy visit. Polish press of 28 August dedicated numerous informations to this visit. 1 September at 445 the battleship opened the fire on Westerplatte, beginning thereby second world war." Polish booklet "World War II" KAW, ...more

Woe, Woe, Woe
(8:13) And I saw, and I heard an eagle, flying in mid heaven, saying with a great voice, Woe, woe, woe, for them that dwell on the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, who are yet to sound.
God's people, staying in the background of occurring historical events heading to a critical moment inevitably, they fulfilled their mission as the long-sighted "eagle," flying in the middle of the ecclesiastical heaven. (Luke 17:37). This mission, intensified particularly in the last several years before first world war, it was an announcing the approaching the end of the Times of Gentiles, and coming three "woes" – war, revolution and anarchy. (1 Kgs. 19:11,12.) Immediately after this event there was to come longed-for Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Briefly after the outbreak of the First World War the New York newspaper "The World" reported (August 30, 1914): "The outbreak of the horrible war in Europe has fulfilled unusual prophecy. During the last quarter of a century the International Bible Students Association, more known as the people of 'Millennial Dawn,' had announced the world by their preachers' mouth and by printed matters, that in year 1914 would begin ...more

Tags: Blowing the trumpet angels - Congresses of RSDLP, Samson, God's hero was born in 1903, The hail, fire with blood thrown upon the earth, Mountain thrown into sea, Sea turned into blood, Star fell upon the rivers, many people died, The hitting of sun, moon and stars, Revelation
The blowing the trumpet seven angels
(8:6) And the seven angels that had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
Blowing the trumpet seven angels represents the development of the revolutionary movement – the bolshevism. (Rev. 8:2.) Four first of blowing the trumpet portray organization, planning, manifestation and the growth of the revolutionary movement. It was the preparation of the revolutionary masses with the propaganda of four Congresses of the RSDLP to attack on the bastions of Christianity as soon as the Times of the Pagans are expired (1914). Three remaining of blowing the trumpet – woes, they relate to the three phases of the fall of Christianity in war, revolution and anarchy as a result of the farther advancing of the revolutionary movement. (Rev. 8:12, 13)
Before the outbreak of the First World War (the first "woe") the five congresses of the RSDLP took place (RSDLP is short for: Social Democratic Party Workers of Russia).
The resolutions of the consecutive Congresses were reaching masses ears as the mission of the freedom, as the sounds of battle horns calling the people out to the final battle against the oppression of tyrants. The vision of the Revelation in such the way just portrays these events.
The ...more

Half-an-hour's silence in heaven
(1) And when he opened the seventh seal, there followed a silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
In the general meaning, the present symbolic heaven represents the ecclesiastical power of the nominal church. That heaven is already being removed and replaced through the third heaven of elevated Christ, Head and Body. During the Gospel Age in this religious heaven, among nominal believers were also present true people of God. "God (…) raised us up with him [Christ Jesus], and made us to sit with him in the heavenly [places]." (Eph. 2:4-6.) Symbolic John or, class of John, was seized in the day of Christ second presence, and he was given a privilege of watching from the Divine viewpoint an activity and experiences of God's people in this period. What represents the half-an-hour's silence on the tiny scrap of the religious heaven, where the saints of God resided?
Parable of our Lord about the paying of penny (gr. denarius; Matt. 20:1-16) represents disseminating of the Truth among the nations during His second presence (gr. parousia), from dawn of it (1874) to manifesting of it (gr. epifaneia – 1981). The thorough understanding of God's Plan took place ...more

Two classes of the Church of the Firstborn
Seventh thousand of the years of the history of the world is the period of the second invisible presence of Christ (gr. parousia), intended for the work of the restitution of the mankind. Parousia possesses two phases, preliminary part and principal part. The preliminary phase is closing now with "a time of trouble" and a bounding of Satan.
During the preliminary phase takes place the Divine judgment over all nations and the overthrow of systems of this world, especially corrupted Christianity, Great Babylon. During farther part of Millennial time entire mankind will stand on individual trial. This trial will include both the people that survived anarchy, and the people that will arise from the graves. Under the rule of justice and love, every member of human race, restored first fully to mental health, will freely decide, what he prefer: either the good and possibility of eternal life or evil, resulting in eternal second death.
Answer on the "cry of souls underneath the altar" (chapter sixth) explains reason of long waiting for the God's intervention and overthrow of Satan kingdom. Full number of "church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven" was this reason (Heb. ...more

Vision of the Ruler of universe in chapter 4 showed, round the throne, four all-seeing creatures, which represent God's four attributes: Justice, Power, Love and Wisdom. The man, who was created in God's image, and after his likeness, was equipped in the same attributes in human sizes. A such unity of thoughts and feelings with his Creator provided him with peace and safety and let to joy fully with happiness of his existence.
As result of transgression of our first parents, these all attributes began rapidly to degenerate. Not to this degree however they declined so that the man wouldn't felt the bitterly in his unfortunate situation. The breakthrough in such human misery took place then, when the due time came and God permitted not farther reign of blatant injustice caused with human selfishness. From then on, a noble individuals stirred themselves to desperate attempt of establishing on the earth of the system of equality and justice. They were followed by others enthusiasts, until the gigantic revolutionary communist movement of social equalization came into being. Unfortunately, without God.
The chapter sixth of Revelation shows the realization of this attempt as consecutive gallop of four riders, mounting horses of various coats, white, ...more

The Ransom of Jesus Christ
the only rescue for the mankind
The human drama began in the Paradise, when first parents, in spite of knowledge of fatal results, violated the Divine prohibition and reached out for a forbidden fruit. In this way they brought the death sentence on themselves and their offspring. The punishment seems to be drastic, disproportionately high to the transgression. We have to take however into consideration the absolute human perfection of our parents. We are only the shreds of the such intellect, the moral feeling and the physical beauty, which Adam and Eve fully possessed. God created Adam in his own image and the likeness, in a single act, and He described his work as "very good." The Scripture clearly declares that "Adam was not beguiled" (1 Tim. 2:14) therefore breaking the law by first man was deliberate act. The theory of evolution about gradual development of man from lower existence forms into higher makes the Apostles a fools, because they taught about restitution of mankind. "Restitution" is translated from two biblical Greek words: "apokatastasis” (Acts 3:21) and "paliggenesia." (Matt. 19:28.) They clearly assure us, that man will return to the primitive state. To what first condition would ...more

John is being snatched away to the third heaven
The book of the Revelation is the fullest prophetic description of God's Kingdom on the earth established in so-called the Day of the Lord. The restoration of mankind to the lost paradise and harmony with God is the aim of millennial rules our Lord in his Day.
Scripture teaches about three worlds. "The world to come" began with the second presence of Jesus Christ, named also the Day of the Lord. Organization of every of these worlds is presented in Bible as symbolic heavens (ruling powers) and symbolic earth (ruled societies).
The first heavens and earth were before the flood; the second, this present evil world and its ruling powers (first and second are under Satan); the third, the new heavens and earth, wherein dwells righteousness. The third will be under the rule of Christ and his saints. It is during this latter that all the glorious promises of peace and prosperity will be fulfilled. This dispensation of the kingdom of God is symbolically termed a new heavens (government) and new earth (subjects) in contradistinction from the heavens and earth which now are, "the present evil world," or order of things. As the powers ...more

The church of Laodicea
(3:14) And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: (15) I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. (16) So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
Laodicea means: "a tried or judged people," or "justice for the people."
The church upon whom the hour of trial is coming; the one that is to be weighed in the balance and found wanting; the generation who are to stumble, as did the generation of Jews, who saw the first advent. HG98:5
But though our Lord does not preserved the Laodicean stage of his saints from going into the trouble, we may be sure that those who kept the word of his patience they had his keeping power, as promised to the Laodicean saints: "I stand at the door and knock; whoever hears my voice and opens to me I will come in and sup with him and he with me." This was the special reward of those who were running ...more

The church of Sardis
(1) And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and thou art dead. (2) Be thou watchful, and establish the things that remain, which were ready to die: for I have found no works of thine perfected before my God. (3) Remember therefore how thou hast received and didst hear; and keep [it], and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
The line of demarcation of the fourth and fifth church, to the Reformation, is not clearly drawn, the change from the one to the other being a gradual work. Sardis includes a short interval just before the great Reformation of the sixteenth century, at a time when true piety had been almost exterminated. So long without the light, the Bible hardly ever seen, living almost entirely by tradition and memory of what the Christian church should be, no wonder they were almost spiritually dead.
Sardis is said to mean – ...more

The letters to seven churches
The seven churches in Asia, to which John Apostle directed his letters, they represent seven periods of the development of Christ's Church. It is believed, among others, that these churches happened the addressees of letters because of the name of cities in which they were. They were localities of inferior meaning, but their names were meaningful and reflected the character of the experiences of every one from seven periods of Church during the Gospel age.
During these periods it lasted so-called High Calling, that is took place the choice of the Church of Christ, 144 000 members of his Bride. The participants of this calling were subjected to various trials, with the aim of development of the suitable character and the proving of their usefulness to the future service. That service will be work of the Restitution of mankind under rules of the Lord Christ. To balance the fiery character of these tests, letter to every period ends some promise connected with the future glory of the divine immortal nature. (1 Pet. 1:4.) It was promise of the eternal life in heaven, in the distinction from the eternal life of all people restored to the earthly paradise. ...more

The seventh seal is opened
Author of the series six volumes of the Studies in the Scripture, C.T. Russell, said in 1916 (Q645:3): "There are certain things in Revelation which I do not understand, and for this reason I do not write the Seventh Volume." All these "certain things" were the unknown pieces for the dozens years. They from necessity had to stay not filled until the time of opening of the seventh seal.
The secrets hidden under this seal in symbolic visions could not earlier be read, until the Divine time came and have occurred the events on which these visions pointed out. Since the end of the Times of the Gentiles (1914) took place many unusual events. Two world wars shook the world, everywhere various revolutions multiplied. In result of World War II many of nations reached independence. Chosen nation of Israel also received its own state. God's people saw all these things, but they did not know, how to harmonize these events with the prophecies of Bible, except they had the general conviction, that this happens in the second presence of Christ.
That situation changed however, when, just before time of the manifestation of Lord’s presence (gr. epifaneia), the Lamb ...more

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