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The numerous chronological disappointments of God’s people, waiting during the second presence of the Lord on the exaltation of the Church and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth, caused general discouragement to time prophecies. Using the language of the parable: "The Virgins", eventually, "all slumbered and slept" (Matt. 25:5), tired with long waiting for the Bridegroom.

The prophetic awakening had place in the late 60’s of the past century. Unexpectedly, it happened among the Household of Faith in Poland, and – as it was about to show – this hasn’t been an accident. A number of factors, both internal and external, had an influence on this event.

The internal factor was connected with the situation of God’s consecrated people in Poland, the country which had been ruined due to three partitions and both World Wars. Individuals from among the Polish nation who had suffered disasters, hunger and miserable life, when acquainted with the heavenly light of the Gospel, they accepted it with huge enthusiasm.

At first, at the dawn of the second presence of Jesus Christ, the truth was spread out on the North American continent and on the British islands. After century, lukewarm spirit of Laodicea began already presumably to permeate congregations of the church in there. The truth came to Poland later and that is why there, in the conditions of misery, devoted hearts still were glowing with "early love". For the majority of the Bible Students it was the best proof that the High Calling is still actual.

External circumstances estimated devotion of these people. They had to face the hostile to the light of the Gospel, extremely intolerant and hateful Roman Catholic Church. They were to unreel the banner of the Truth in the country, perceived so far in the whole world as the nation totally submissive to the pope and the Roman Catholicism.

The second significant external factor was Poland’s neighbourhood with an atheistic state of the terrible king Abaddon, and his army – the hosts of the communist "locust" preparing themselves to the destruction of Christianity (Rev. 9:11).

The Free Bible Students congregation in Warsaw, Poland, has become the centre of emerging chronological movement. One of its members, brother Tadeusz Wiśniewski, began to expand the parallels and symmetries of the already well-known and generally recognized Bible chronology in a justified way beyond the year 1914. His explanations of so far inexplicable chapters of the Book of Revelation were convincing because of their clearness. The language of the Bible numerology – the wisdom which God held over mainly to reveal in the due time during the final triumph of the papacy has become an invaluable help in these explanations. (Rev. 13:18)

New explanations were being announced at the Varsovian class, at other classes, as well as on religious congresses. Thanks to persistent correspondence, these teachings have become well-known at the Bible Students' congregations at Poland and abroad as well. The spiritual intellectual movement began, and a group of interested brothers was growing on unceasingly.

The stream of chronological information was continually widening, till the culmination point, which was their printing. In April 1974 the book "Bible Chronology" was published by Tadeusz Wiśniewski in a small circulation of 200 copies (in Polish language).

It has become clear, that just before the great tribulation, the Lord gave to the class of John "the little book" of the final Divine judgments. At a time He commanded: "Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey (...) thou must prophesy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings" (Rev. 10:8-11). The content of "the little book" had first to imprint the seal of the understanding of occurring prophetic events upon the foreheads of the faithful (Rev. 7:1-3). Subsequently, after "eating" this book, the John's class had to complete its last task, i.e. to give to the nations the testimony about the impending destruction of the contemporary Babylon.

The time, place and circumstances were extraordinary. The peak of the hour of temptation was approaching, carrying with itself deceiving influences and the spirit undermining the truths and authority of God's servants. Therefore, the conditions to accept these unusual teachings, like prolongation of the biblical chronology and explanation of visions of the Revelation (kept as the mystery till the 19th century), were very difficult. That is why our Lord has sworn solemnly that there shall be no delay any longer. (Rev. 10:6; Dan. 12:7). In this way He encouraged them and made them sure of that prophetic scenario.

This scenario has forecast the period of seven special years, from the autumn 1977 till the autumn 1984, with the decisive date of 1981, dividing this seven years on the half. In the first half there was a short-lived triumph of ecclesiastic systems expected, in the second – the time of the great tribulation, which is Armageddon.

The two characteristic dates marked out the first half:

(1) The year 1977 – The end of the High Calling as a parallel to the Sarah’s death,
(2) The year 1981 (the spring) – Uniting the Church to the Lord as a parallel to the the time when Isaac and Rebecca were united.

At the end of the High Calling, the living members of the completed Church had to confront the ten-horned papal beast, emerging from the symbolic sea. After fulfilling their mission, depicted as the prophesying of "the two witnesses" for 1260 days, they had to be put to death by the scarlet-colored beast and to enter the glory in the after-effect of this event.

In the second half of the appointed seven years, the cooperation of the Lord with the glorified Church had to cause the fall of Babylon as well as the overthrowing of the power of the Gentiles (the spring of 1981). The year 1984, which is the parallel of Adam’s, David’s and Cyrus’ reigns, pointed out the beginning of the Christ’s restitution work for the whole world.

So, the prophetic events, both these having to emerge on the political scene and these which were to be perceived with the spiritual sight only were looked forward.

While the chronological orientation progressed, and at the time the political scene was watched, a conviction was growing, that not only the truth "at the proper time" (at last days) had been revealed among the Household of Faith in Poland, but also conviction that the Catholic Poland becomes at this time the main street of Babylon. The final events of the Gospel Age, decisive for future of the old world, apparently had to occur in this street.

According to the expectation, a secular-religious reign of the scarlet-colored "ten-horned" papal beast emerged in the exactly predicted time. It appeared in Poland (particularly) and in the whole socialistic camp. The close co-operation of socialist power and the Roman Catholic church lasted "42 months" – the period appointed in the Scripture (Rev. 13:5), i.e. from the autumn 1977 to the spring 1981.

It was not by any chance, indeed, that from the Eduard Gierek’s decisive visit in Vatican on 1 December 1977 till the date of attempt to assassinate the pope John Paul II, 13 May 1981, elapsed exactly 1260 days. The traces of the origin of the attempt are said to lead to the East. This event marked the end of the co-operation. When the socialistic powers, being so far the ally of the Roman Catholic church, became the enemy, the scarlet-colored beast, torn apart with the internal fight, is going toward destruction.

It is well known, that the statue of various metals from the dream of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, represents power of the Gentiles (Dan. 2:31-45). The feet of this statue depicts the co-operation of the most powerful on the European continent communist powers with the Roman Catholic church. These feet of the mix of iron (secular power) and clay (false church) were hit already by the stone of God's power. When this last desperate union lied down in rubbles in the years 1981–1984, the world lost its equilibrium. Devoid of the "feet", the "statue" begins to fall, meanwhile gale of the anarchy leads rapidly to destruction of the whole Christian-heathenly civilization. Such course of events exactly agrees with God’s plan, because invisible monarch Jesus Christ, the great Cyrus, reigns already in the world from 1984. In an introductory act of his work of the Restitution He unlocked the prison of nations to take all people to the real freedom of God's children glory.

To see the end of the High Calling, however, the spiritual sight is necessary. Author of the Studies in the Scriptures taught that "the times and seasons" come from God. He suggested, that closing of this door, that is, the end of the High Calling, might be indicated by definite Bible statement of the exact date (Volume III, page 207). The Bible showed this exact date – the year 1977, as the parallel to the Sarah’s death. The Bible speaks also in a symbolic vision about external signs, which had to confirm this spiritual event (Rev. 7:1-3). In this vision there is showed a Divine factor, "four angels," which have an impact on the time of closing the door. These angels were ordered to hold back the four winds to appointed time, and next to freed the winds, with the catastrophic after-effect for the old world.

Here is the statement, which relates to the meaning of the four winds. (Q737:1; excerpts):

It is a symbolic expression. What winds? Certain winds are represented in symbolic language as being false doctrines – as, for instance, "be not carried about by every wind of doctrine." Here false doctrines are symbolically spoken of, winds that carry about some that are unstable, that do not understand the divine plan. Then again winds are used to represent strife ... war ... trouble ... confusion. And four wind let loose would represent a whirlwind, as the four would come together; and so the Scriptures represent that in the end of this age, the time of trouble that will come on the earth will be as a whirlwind from the four corners of the earth. Now what will cause this whirlwind of trouble? Satan is said to be the prince of the power of the air, and otherwise he is said to be the prince of demons. These powers of the air, are the demoniacal powers, the powers of the evil spirits, and the letting loose of those four winds will mean a time of the breaking loose of the fallen angels from the restraint which has been upon them. They were restrained in chains of darkness, and this restraint of chains of darkness was to be until a certain time, namely, until the judgment of the Great Day. This text of Scripture has reference to this same power of the air. The same fallen angels; and the breaking loose or letting loose of these from restraint means that the time will come when God will no longer restrain these evil spirits, and that there will be a great time of trouble come upon mankind as a consequence of their being permitted to interfere with the human race. We cannot doubt that certain spirits that worked havoc back in the days of our Lord would have done still worse if they had had an opportunity. We cannot doubt they would do the same today if they were permitted. The fallen angels have been restrained for all these centuries. The great storm which they willingly would brew has not yet been allowed to come to pass, and will not be allowed to come to pass until the 144,000 shall have been sealed in their foreheads; that is, until the elect shall all have been recognized of God and identified and completed. Then suddenly these evil influences will be allowed to come upon the earth, and a time of trouble will ensue such as never was since there was a nation. Jesus says, "Neither will there ever be again such a time."

The book "Bible Chronology" explains that biblical expression "four angels" relates to the communist ideology. God's Providence caused that, until the time of the end of the sealing of the Church, communist powers in the Eastern Camp limited greatly the influence of the clergy. Since 1977, when the same atheistic powers let go the political initiative from their hands and established the close co-operation with false churches, there came into being the whirl of conflicting teachings, and the real explosion of demonism. The conditions which the author of the quoted statement so accurately described, have begun to develop.

The end of the earthly course of the whole Church can be also perceived with the spiritual sight only. At the end of the Gospel Age the Church had to give the last testimony, the scarlet-colored beast had to put to death its last members (1981 spring) and the battle of Armageddon had to break out immediately. Events did not run so exactly how it was expected, so the observers of this last prophetic movement stated generally then, that the chronological movement failed once again.

Nobody can deny, however, that in the prophetic period appointed through the time prophecies the political events of the extraordinary meaning for the futurity of the world had place. From here, the superficial opinions and the belittling of the prophetic movement of the 60’s and 70's can be hardly justified.

The Scripture shows that the choice of the Christ, Head and the Body, is from the beginning to the end a great secret for the world and nominal Christians.

The Lord, Head of the Church, opened the Gospel Age with the mission of 3.5 years. This mission ended with the seeming failure (Luke 24:21). Our Lord was put to death by Jewish clergy and "the (pagan) Roman beast." Only a few disciples, after some time, understood the importance of this event.

The Gospel Age ends in the similar way. The last members of the Church, Body of Christ, have received honourable privilege to announce in the face of the world the judgments of God. Their mission, also of 3.5 years, contained the prophecies of the Old and New Testament, that is, of the "two witnesses." This mission, similarly, also ended with the seeming fiasco, as that of their Master (Rev. 11:7, 8). The lack of the immediate and spectacular fulfillment of prophecies on the one hand, and the action of squashing this prophetic movement by nominal Christians and "the [papal, scarlet-coloured] Roman beast" on the other, caused death of these "two witnesses" of God.

After reviving through the power of God the "two witnesses," that is, through progressing events of Armageddon, it will become the public thing that in April 18, 1981 – from the Divine point of view – the complete Church entered the heaven and were united to Christ (antitypical marriage of Isaac and Rebecca); although not all his members have been changed to the glory at this moment. This fact will announce loudly the Great Company class in the ecclesiastic heaven (Rev. 19:1, 7).
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; But when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life" (Proverbs 13:12).

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In this window will be placed from now the articles from the books of the prophetic movement at Poland (1974-1981). Among them:
"Bible Chronology" (Chronologia Biblijna) - April 1974
"God is Love" (Bóg jest Miłością) - December 1980
"The Eternal Wisdom" (Odwieczna Mądrość) - December 1994


April 21, 2012
Added by: Andrzej
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